Transgender Law Center (77 Articles with 228,480 total views)
Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. We envision a future where gender self-determination and authentic expression are seen as basic rights and matters of common human dignity.
June, 2022
LGBTQ Legal Rights Organizations Move to Protect California's Trans-Inclusive Incarceration Policy
(May 9, 2022, Fresno, CA) - Today, Lambda Legal, the Transgender Law Center (TLC), and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California (ACLU SoCal) filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit filed by anti-transgender activists against the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) challenging SB132, the groundbreaking law protecting transgender people incarcerated in the state of California. The three organizations, along with pro-bono co-counsel O'Melveny & Myers, represent the Transgender Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project (TGI Justice Project) and four individual plaintiffs currently incarcerated in California prisons.
October, 2018
#Time4BlackTransWomen: National Moment of Silence and Action to Honor Black Trans Women on Friday, September 14
(Oakland, CA - September 12, 2018) -- Today we learned that Londonn Moore Kinard, a 20-year-old Black trans woman, was murdered earlier this week in North Port, Florida. We mourn Londonn's murder as we continue to mourn and process the recent deaths of Dejanay Stanton in Illinois, Vontashia Bell in Louisiana, and Shantee Tucker in Pennsylvania – all young Black trans women murdered in just the last two weeks. Londonn is the twentieth transgender person murdered this year in the U.S. that we know of, and the fourteenth Black trans woman.
Transgender Law Center Responds to Murder of Nikki Janelle Enriquez: "We refuse to become numb to this rapid accumulation of injustices"
(Laredo, Texas - September 19, 2018) – This last weekend, Texas law enforcement captured Juan David Ortiz, a Border Patrol agent who confessed to murdering several women. Transgender Law Center (TLC), the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people, issued the following response from deputy director Isa Noyola:
June, 2018
TLC Condemns Trump Bureau of Prisons Move Exposing Trans People to Violence
May 12, 2018 - Late Friday, BuzzFeed reported that the Trump administration erased federal Bureau of Prisons rules intended to address the health and safety of incarcerated transgender people. These rules, grounded firmly in the Prison Rape Elimination Act signed by George W. Bush, were an attempt to reduce the violence, harassment, abuse and sexual assault that transgender and gender-nonconforming people regularly experience at terrifying rates in prisons and jails.
May, 2018
New campaign to elevate voices of trans people living with HIV in national conversation about health care
(Oakland, CA - April 30, 2018) -- Transgender Law Center's Positively Trans project today launched #ACApositive, a campaign to shift the conversation about health care and the Affordable Care Act towards a focus on the life-or-death stakes for transgender people living with HIV. Launching just a week after news broke that the Trump administration plans to attack the Affordable Care Act's protections for transgender people, the campaign seeks to amplify the experiences and voices of transgender people of color living with HIV in federal health care policy.
March, 2018
February, 2018
Black LGBTQIA Migrants Respond to Trump: "What Shithole Country, This One?"
(Washington, D.C. - January 24, 2018) -- Members of the Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP), a first-of-its-kind program housed at Transgender Law Center and made possible by a Open Societies Foundation Fellowship, released the following statement today in advance of BLMP's second national gathering in D.C. on Thursday. Statement from BLMP steering committee members Nolizwe Nondabula, Ola Osaze, and Rose Berry: On January 11, 2018 the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, was quoted saying: "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" while referring to Haiti, African nations and El Salvador. Since, the country has erupted in debate over whether or not the president of the most powerful nation in the world is in fact racist. The answer is undoubtedly and resoundingly yes. However, for us at the Black LGBTQIA Migrant Project and the myriad communities we represent, that is not the final conclusion that should be drawn from this current moment of high political tension. The fact is the U.S. has a fiscal, moral, and ethical responsibility to provide refuge for migrants, particularly those who are Black, Brown or poor, given the centuries of intentional harm it has done to our communities across the globe.
New trans youth storytelling platform will connect voices and experiences across the U.S.
(Oakland, CA - January 17, 2018) – Today, TRUTH, a youth-led program housed at Transgender Law Center and GSA Network, launched a new website to build trans youth power through online organizing and storytelling. The website features an interactive storytelling guide and advice from other young people who have been thrust into the spotlight; a gallery of stories that youth visiting the site can contribute to; resources created by and for trans youth; and support for allies and families of trans youth.
TLC condemns illegal HHS rule granting 'license to discriminate'
(Washington, D.C. - January 18, 2018) – Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Trump-Pence administration announced a new rule to allow medical providers to illegally discriminate against patients based on who they are, as long as the providers cite religion. Transgender Law Center, the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people, issued the following statement from executive director Kris Hayashi: "This extreme new HHS rule will quite possibly cost lives by giving medical providers cover not to treat people they disagree with, no matter how life-threatening or urgent the medical need. The rule grants an illegal license to discriminate against transgender people who come to the doctor or emergency room for help when our lives are in danger due to sickness, violence, or injury. It's also an attack against all people, including many in the transgender community, who rely on critical care ranging from reproductive services to emergency services to HIV medication.
Wisconsin school district to settle discrimination case with transgender student Ash Whitaker
(Kenosha, WI - January 9, 2018) – Ash Whitaker, the transgender student plaintiff in Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District, and his former school district, Kenosha Unified School District ("KUSD") in Kenosha, Wisconsin, reached a settlement in Ash's discrimination lawsuit against KUSD, pending court approval. Ash graduated high school in June 2017, just days after the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued a landmark ruling that KUSD illegally singled him out for discrimination because he is transgender. As a condition of the settlement, KUSD agreed to withdraw its appeal of that decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. The settlement, which remains subject to court approval, will also enjoin KUSD from discriminating against Ash in the future should he return to campus as an alumnus.
January, 2018
Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project launches to build community power
(Oakland, CA - December 13, 2017 ) -- The Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP), a first-of-its-kind program housed at Transgender Law Center and made possible by a Open Societies Foundation, launched Wednesday with an accompanying 20-minute documentary and opportunities for community members to get involved.
TLC condemns passage of "devastating" tax bill
(Oakland, CA - December 20,2017) --Transgender Law Center (TLC) issued the following statement from executive director Kris Hayashi condemning the passage of the GOP tax bill, which will decimate health care, education, social services, and innumerable programs that many transgender people rely on. Trump, whose signature is the last remaining step for the bill to become law, has indicated he might wait until January to sign.
TLC wins rare Governor's pardon for celebrated trans advocate Lorena Borjas
(New York, NY - December 27, 2017) – Today, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo granted a rare pardon to Lorena Borjas, a transgender Latina woman and well-known advocate who has helped countless transgender women like herself survive trafficking and other abusive situations. Lorena was at high risk of deportation due to old convictions from when she herself was being trafficked, and this pardon will allow her to pursue immigration relief.
Transgender Law Center mourns Brandi Seals, 28th trans person murdered in deadliest year on record
December 14, 2017 - Transgender Law Center mourns news today that Brandi Seals, a 26-year-old Black trans woman from Houston, was murdered early yesterday morning. She is the 28th transgender person known to have been murdered this year. The majority of those murdered have been Black trans women.
December, 2017
Trans people of color speak out for World AIDS Day
(Oakland, CA - November 30, 2017) -- In advance of World AIDS Day on December 1, 2017, Transgender Law Center (TLC) is releasing three new videos created by trans people of color living with HIV. The videos from Positively Trans members Aryah Lester, Arianna Lint, and Marcus Ecks, developed at Story Center workshops, provide a more personal look at the lives and stories behind data showing the epidemic's disproportionate impact on transgender communities.
November, 2017
Groundbreaking Legislation to Honor Dignity of Transgender People in Prison Is Signed Into Law by Governor Brown
(Sacramento, CA, October 16, 2017) – Last night, for the first time in California history, legislation written by currently and formerly incarcerated transgender people was signed into law. Senate Bill 310 (the Name and Dignity Act), authored by Senator Toni Atkins of San Diego and co-authored by Senator Beall, Senator Wiener, Assemblymember Chiu, Assemblymember Garcia, Assemblymember Gloria, and Assemblymember Stone, makes it possible for transgender people currently in custody to petition the superior court for a legal name and gender marker change. This legislation allows transgender people to have their chosen names respected while incarcerated and eases the re-entry process for transgender people by ensuring that they have legal documents that match their gender presentation upon release. This breaks down barriers in accessing housing, employment and healthcare.
TLC wins BIA (Board of Immigration Appeal) appeal for release of trans immigrant in detention
(Virginia - October 18, 2017) – Late last week, Transgender Law Center (TLC), the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people, won an appeal of the U.S. government's order of removal for Marianna, a transgender woman who emigrated from Mexico almost 20 years ago. In the appeal, TLC argued that the government violated Marianna's due process, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, by failing to inform her of her right to apply for asylum after she told an immigration judge she feared for her life should she be forced to return to Mexico.
Transgender Law Center celebrates 15th anniversary with new video
(San Francisco, CA - October 24, 2017) – Last week, over 350 people came out to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Transgender Law Center (TLC) at SPARK!, the organization's annual event in San Francisco. TLC, the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people, premiered a video at the event looking ahead to the future of trans movement-building.
Transgender Law Center files amicus brief to the Supreme Court in Masterpiece case
(Oakland, CA - October 31, 2017) – Yesterday, Transgender Law Center joined organizations across the country in filing a friend-of-the-court brief urging the Supreme Court to reject discrimination as it considers Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The brief, submitted by Transgender Law Center and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP on behalf of Transgender Law Center, Southerners on New Ground (SONG), GSA Network, and TransLatina Network, details the harm that a ruling sanctioning discrimination would cause transgender and gender non-conforming people of color and highlights the resilience of the transgender and gender non-conforming community. The brief also outlines why the U.S. Supreme Court should follow well established legal precedent that has consistently not allowed the creation of exceptions to an otherwise valid and necessary civil rights protection based on freedom of speech or religious objections.
October, 2017
TLC issues resources to prepare trans immigrants for ICE raids
(Oakland, CA) - September 8, 2017 – Today, Transgender Law Center released two resources in English and Spanish for immigrants in the transgender community to know their rights in the case of raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This follows the Trump administration's reversal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program on Tuesday, leaks of a planned and allegedly canceled "mega" raid, and months of increased targeting of immigrant communities.
Trans people with HIV from across the country gather at USCA
(DC-September 6, 2017)- In a milestone for transgender people of color representation in US HIV/AIDS advocacy work, Transgender Law Center's Positively Trans program is at this year's United States Conference on AIDS (AIDS), September 7th to 10th in D.C. Through workshops and two tables at the exhibition hall, Positively Trans, a program run by and for transgender people living with HIV, will showcase the work of over a dozen trans advocates from across the country.
Transgender Law Center denounces DACA reversal
September 5, 2017 -Today, the Trump administration announced a reversal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, through which hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children trusted the government with their information under the promise they would not be deported. Kris Hayashi, executive director of Transgender Law Center, the largest trans-led organization in the country, issued the following statement in response: "This is yet another unnecessary, cruel attack from the Trump administration that will devastate millions of families and communities across the country, including many transgender people who have only ever known the U.S. as home. At a time when the U.S. is raiding homes, militarizing the border, holding transgender people in abusive detention conditions, and denying asylum for transgender women who fear murder and persecution should they be sent back, this reversal is another act of violence adding to a climate of fear for our communities.
September, 2017
School district targets trans student victory, asks Supreme Court to review
August 25, 2017 - This morning, the Kenosha Unified School District filed a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court of the United States in Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District, a lawsuit challenging KUSD's discriminatory treatment of Ash Whitaker, a transgender boy. The petition asks the Court to review the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals' recent ruling, which affirmed a preliminary injunction permitting Ash to use boys' restrooms at school during his senior year of high school. The case, which also alleges that KUSD singled out Ash for discriminatory treatment in other ways, is currently moving forward in the federal district court in Milwaukee.
TLC statement on Charlottesville white supremacist violence
(Oakland, CA - August 12, 2017) - Transgender Law Center executive director Kris Hayashi released the following statement about the white supremacist rally and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia this weekend: "We are chilled and heartbroken, though unfortunately not surprised, by the white supremacist violence taking place in Charlottesville. The hate driving these racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBT acts is deeply embedded in this country and in the ongoing attacks and violence against trans communities, particularly trans women of color.
August, 2017
Transgender Law Center Launches Expanded Transform Tech Initiative
(San Francisco, CA - July 31, 2017 )- Today, as part of an ongoing partnership with Slack Technologies, Inc., Transgender Law Center (TLC) is excited to announce the next phase of Transform Tech, an initiative which launched in April with a summit for transgender people working in the technology sector and leaders in the field to connect and discuss challenges. This second phase will focus on the creation of a comprehensive set of curriculum for use across the technology sector to better assure the inclusion and retention of transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) employees, potential talent, and clients.
June, 2017
Groundbreaking 7th Circuit Ruling in Favor of Ash Whitaker, Transgender Student Seeking Access to Correct Bathroom
(Chicago, May 30, 2017) Today the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued a groundbreaking ruling in favor of Ash Whitaker, the transgender student plaintiff in Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District. In a unanimous decision authored by Judge Ann Claire Williams, the court upheld the preliminary injunction, issued by a federal district court in September 2016, that has allowed Ash, a senior at Tremper High School in the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to use the boys' restrooms at school throughout his senior year without fear of discipline or invasive surveillance by school officials.
TLC Applauds Senate Passage of SB 179, to Enable Accurate Identity Documents
May 31, 2017 - SB 179, the Gender Recognition Act advanced out of the California state senate today. Transgender Law Center (TLC) is proud to have drafted and sponsored the legislation which will empower more transgender, intersex and nonbinary people to more easily obtain state-issued identity documents that accurately reflect their gender. The bill is being authored by Senators Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) and Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and is sponsored by TLC and Equality California.
Transgender Law Center Statement on the Release of Chelsea Manning
May 17, 2017 - Transgender Law Center (TLC) executive director Kris Hayashi issued the following statement about the release of Chelsea Manning from Prison today: "We congratulate Chelsea Manning on her release from prison today and wish her well in her new life. Her inhumane treatment in prison – solitary confinement, denial of medical care, punishment for suicide attempts, serving in a male facility – is sadly the typical experience of transgender people who are incarcerated, particularly transgender women of color. TLC remains committed to fighting for all those who are incarcerated."
With Spike in Hate Crimes, TLC Urges Survivors to Report to Communities Against Hate
Transgender Law Center (TLC) is urging survivors of hate crimes to report incidents to Communities Against Hate, a collaborative project to build a national database on hate crimes, and connect survivors to resources and services. Reports can be made through the website or through a resource hotline: 1-844-NO-HATE (1-844-966-4283).
April, 2017
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Hears Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District
(Chicago, March 29, 2017) Today the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the case Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District, involving a transgender Wisconsin student whose school had denied him access to the boy's room. The school district is appealing a preliminary injunction from a lower court granting the student the right to use the boy's room.
Transgender Community Pushes Back as Anti-Transgender Bills Advance in State Legislatures Nationwide
March 20, 2017 - More than 100 anti-transgender bills have been introduced in 29 state legislatures across the country this year, and the transgender community is mobilizing a vigorous nationwide pushback.
Trump Appoints Anti-Trans Lawyer, Journalist to Lead HHS Civil Rights Office
March 24, 2017 - President Trump has appointed Roger Severino, an extremist right wing lawyer and journalist as Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS/OCR).
March, 2017
Advocates demand immediate release of undocumented transgender woman and survivor of domestic violence
NATIONAL - The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs and Transgender Law Center denounce the arrest by immigration authorities of an undocumented transgender woman who is a survivor of domestic violence, and call for her immediate release. She was detained last week in an El Paso, Texas courthouse immediately after she was granted a protective order against her abusive partner.
CA court issues nonbinary gender change to Transgender Law Center client
(San Diego, CA - February 10, 2017)-Today, a court granted a name and gender change to Transgender Law Center client a.t. furuya, making a.t. the second person in California and the third in the country to obtain "nonbinary" as their legally designated gender.
Trump Administration set to rescind trans student guidance - will have no impact on law
February 22, 2017 - Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will reportedly issue a joint "Dear Colleague" letter to schools across the country rescinding guidance issued by the Obama administration to help schools understand their responsibility to protect transgender students under Title IX.
February, 2017
Outpouring of support for transgender student Ash Whitaker in the 7th Circuit
(Kenosha, WI - January 31, 2017) – Individuals and organizations representing youth, parents, school administrators, and women filed five amicus briefs yesterday in support of Ash Whitaker, a transgender boy and student at Tremper High School. Ash's school denied him access to the boys' bathroom and illegally singled him out to require him to use a separate bathroom from all other students. Ash, represented by Transgender Law Center, the largest national transgender advocacy organization, and Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC, a Washington, D.C.-based civil rights law firm, sued his school and in September won a preliminary injunction forcing the school to halt these discriminatory policies while the case moves forward. Ash has used the boys' restrooms at school without issue since the injunction was granted.The school district has appealed that ruling to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, which in November denied the school district's request to put the injunction on hold pending the appeal.
Transgender Law Center launches Trans Immigrant Defense Effort (TIDE)
Oakland, CA - January 18, 2017 – In preparation for the Trump administration, Transgender Law Center has launched an emergency response project, the Trans Immigrant Defense Effort (TIDE), devoted to expanding legal support and services available to transgender and gender nonconforming immigrants. TIDE builds on Transgender Law Center's existing immigration programs and campaigns, including leadership in the #Not1More Deportation coalition, by recruiting and training pro bono attorneys to meet urgent legal needs.
Transgender Law Center Rallies Resistance to Presidential Actions Targeting Immigrants and Muslims
Oakland, CA - January 25, 2017 – President Donald Trump today, according to news sources, issued an executive order containing sweeping attacks on immigrant communities, and plans to issue another order tomorrow further targeting refugees and Muslims. Transgender Law Center executive director Kris Hayashi issued the following statement in response: "Let's be clear: with today's actions and the actions he has promised tomorrow and going forward, President Trump is ordering the deaths of thousands, if not millions, of people who sacrificed everything for a chance of safety and freedom for their families. With the coded language of 'increasing enforcement,' he is ordering local police to target immigrants and tear parents away from their children, never to see them again. With 'building a wall,' he is ordering state officials at the borders to stop and detain transgender women fleeing murder, rape, and torture, and then march them back at gunpoint to the violence and death they narrowly escaped. With talk of refugee bans and restrictions, he would be ordering that, as Muslim refugees of persecution, war, and genocide seek safety in our shores, we turn them back and deny them their last chance at life simply because of their religious beliefs.
January, 2017
LGBT Groups Call On Oakland Authorities and Media to Honor the Names and Genders of Transgender Ghost Ship Fire Victims
(Oakland, December 7, 2016)-In the aftermath of the tragic fire at the Ghost Ship artist community on December 2 that claimed the lives of more than 35 people, local authorities and media have continued to disrespect transgender victims by not honoring their true names and gender identities.
TLC condemns North Carolina legislature and calls for full, immediate repeal of HB2
December 20, 2016 - Today, North Carolina legislators convened a special session and proposed a bill that they claim would repeal HB2, but which would in fact keep in place key parts of the law for six months. Transgender Law Center executive director Kris Hayashi released the following statement: "Today, following months of public outcry, community mobilization, and economic backlash, the North Carolina legislature promised but failed to fully repeal their notorious law targeting transgender people and workers in the state. Instead of the straight-forward repeal they promised, they have proposed another terrible provision banning local towns and cities from setting policies to meet the needs of their communities for the next six months.
November, 2016
Supreme Court to Hear Transgender Student's Case
(Washington, D.C. -- October 28, 2016) -- Today, the Supreme Court of the United States decided to take up the case of a Virginia student, Gavin Grimm, who has been singled out to use a separate bathroom from his peers just because he is transgender.
October, 2016
CA Governor Signs 'All-Gender' Restroom Bill
(Sacramento, CA - September 30, 2016)-California Governor Jerry Brown today signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1732, authored by Asm. Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) and sponsored by Equality California, the Transgender Law Center and California National Organization of Women (NOW). AB 1732 establishes the nation's most progressive restroom access law, requiring that single-occupancy restrooms in California businesses, government buildings, and places of public accommodation be universally accessible to all genders.
Court orders WI school to immediately halt discriminatory policy against transgender student
(Kenosha, WI - September 20, 2016) – A federal court today ruled that a Wisconsin school must immediately halt its discriminatory policy of singling out a transgender boy, Ashton Whitaker, and forcing him to use a restroom separate from all other students. Whitaker, represented by Transgender Law Center and Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC, asked for the preliminary injunction so that he could use the restroom during his senior year of high school as the court heard arguments in his case challenging KUSD's discriminatory treatment of him.
Family Sues Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego for Discriminatory Treatment of Transgender Teenager
(San Diego, CA, September 26, 2016)-Today, the mother of a transgender teenaged boy who was admitted into Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego (RCHSD) for inpatient care filed a lawsuit against the hospital for discrimination against her son.
Transgender Law Center and MALDEF file lawsuit against Indiana Gov. Mike Pence challenging discriminatory name-change la
(Indianapolis, IN - Septem,ber 13, 2016) - A transgender man prohibited from changing his legal name because of his immigration classification is suing Indiana state officials, including Governor Mike Pence.
September, 2016
Wisconsin Transgender Student Asks Court to Take Immediate Action to Stop Discriminatory Policy Before School Starts
August 15, 2016- Sixteen-year-old transgender high school student Ashton (Ash) Whitaker, represented by Transgender Law Center and Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC, filed a motion in federal court today for a preliminary injunction ordering his school to cease its discriminatory treatment of him before he returns to school for his senior year. Ash is currently suing his school district after having been denied access to male-designated restrooms at his high school, subjected to daily surveillance, and threatened with disciplinary action if he continued using the boys' restrooms.
August, 2016
LGBT Advocates Urge District Court Not to Let States Game the System
(Wichita Falls, TX – July 28, 2016) – Five leading national civil and LGBT rights organizations late yesterday filed an amicus (friend of the court) brief in the multi-state lawsuit challenging the Obama administration's guidance regarding public school districts' responsibility to allow transgender students to use the same restrooms as other students. The lawsuit also targets guidance addressing transgender workers. The brief in Texas v. United States argues that many of the states and political jurisdictions joining the lawsuit are doing so improperly in order to avoid transgender-affirming rulings handed down by their federal circuits and that granting a nationwide injunction would be improper for this reason.
June, 2016
Lambda Legal and Transgender Law Center Petition VA to Provide Surgery for Transgender Veterans
(Washington, D.C., May 10, 2016) –Late yesterday, Lambda Legal and Transgender Law Center, with co-counsel WilmerHale, petitioned with the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to change the rule that categorically excludes transition-related surgery for transgender veterans. The petition was filed on behalf of two individual veterans, Dee Fulcher and Gio Silva, and a group representing transgender veterans, the Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA).
New report finds human rights violations pervasive against transgender women in Mexico
Oakland, CA May 26, 2016 - Transgender Law Center and the Cornell Law School LGBT Clinic today released a publication, "Report on Human Rights Conditions of Transgender Women in Mexico," demonstrating that transgender women in Mexico face pervasive discrimination, hatred, violence, police abuse, rape, torture, and murder. The report, intended to assess country conditions in Mexico to inform immigration judges and asylum officers in the U.S., found that conditions have actually worsened for transgender women since same-sex marriage became available in Mexico in 2010.
Transgender Law Center applauds new federal guidance on transgender students
May 13, 2016 - In a "Dear Colleague " letter, the Department of Education and Department of Justice issued guidance today making it clear that schools must treat transgender students according to their gender identity in all respects and cannot ban transgender students from using facilities that match the gender they live as every day.
Transgender Law Center takes legal action against Wisconsin school district denying transgender boy access to boys' rest
May 12, 2016 - Transgender Law Center filed a complaint today with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights on behalf of a 16-year-old transgender boy who has been barred from using the boys' restroom by the Kenosha Unified School District in Wisconsin. Ashton Whitaker, a student at Tremper High School, had been using the boys' restrooms without incident since the beginning of the school year, until school administrators intervened and threatened him with disciplinary action if he continued to use the boys' restroom.
May, 2016
Fourth Circuit Rules to Protect Virginia Transgender High School Student Under Title IX
(Richmond, VA, April 19, 2016) —Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled that Gloucester County student Gavin Grimm can proceed with his claims in court to challenge the school board's discriminatory restroom policy of separating transgender students from their peers.
Launch of Coalition to Support the Transgender Community and Encourage Others to Follow
Los Angeles, CA - April 18, 2016- Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti today joined individuals from the transgender community, statewide LGBT organizations, local officials, civil rights groups, businesses, faith-based leaders and community members to launch Transform California - a statewide movement founded by Equality California and the Transgender Law Center to promote respect, understanding and safety for the transgender community. As part of the effort, coalition members signed a Transform California pledge - opposing discrimination against transgender people.
TLC represents South Carolina transgender student suspended for using boys' bathroom
(April 22, 2016) -- Yesterday, Transgender Law Center sent a letter to Horry County Schools warning that the district would face legal action unless they act immediately to ensure transgender students are able to use the restroom that matches the gender they live as every day. Transgender Law Center is representing a high school senior and transgender boy, R., who had been using the boys' bathroom without incident until Socastee High School suddenly banned him from the boys' bathroom in his senior year.
Transgender Law Center and Southerners on New Ground statement on NC Governor's executive order
April 12, 2016 - Today, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory issued an executive order related to House Bill 2, the state law that has garnered widespread outrage for targeting LGBT people and workers for discrimination. The executive order reaffirms nearly all the provisions of HB2, including the exclusion of transgender people from restrooms that match their gender identity, and adopts nondiscrimination protections based on sexual orientation or gender identity for state employees only.
Transgender Law Center Demands that Wisconsin School District Reverse Discriminatory Policy
April 20, 2016 -- Transgender Law Center sent a letter to the Kenosha Unified School District yesterday demanding that transgender students be allowed to use facilities that match their gender identity or face legal consequences for violating federal law. Ashton Whitaker, a 16-year-old transgender boy and a student at Tremper High School, had been using the boys' restrooms without incident since the beginning of the school year, until school administrators intervened and threatened him with disciplinary action if he continued to use the boys' restroom.
Victory for South Carolina student suspended for using boys' bathroom
April 28, 2016 - Today, a week after Transgender Law Center sent a demand letter on behalf of a transgender student who was suspended for using the bathroom matching his gender identity, Horry County Schools reversed course on school policies around bathroom use and agreed to adopt new policies to treat transgender students fairly.
April, 2016
Groundbreaking Research Provides Insight into Lives of Transgender People Living with HIV/AIDS
Atlanta, GA - March 24, 2016 – Today, Transgender Law Center released the first report of findings from the Positively Trans survey, a first-of-its-kind community-led project focused on the lives and experiences of transgender people in the U.S. living with HIV/AIDS.
New law makes North Carolina first state to pass anti-transgender legislation
March 24, 2016 - Yesterday, in a rushed special session that cost taxpayers over $40,000, North Carolina legislators hurriedly enacted a sweeping new law targeting LGBT people on an unprecedented scale. Within less than 24 hours of introducing the bill yesterday morning and giving many legislators who had not seen the bill just five minutes to review, legislators passed the anti-LGBT and anti-worker bill through the House and Senate, and Governor Pat McCrory signed it into law. The law forces transgender students to use restrooms and other facilities inconsistent with the gender they live as every day, putting student lives and billions of dollars in federal funding under Title IX at risk. The law also eliminates existing and prohibits future local non-discrimination protections for LGBT people and any local regulation relating to compensation, such as increasing the minimum wage or providing sick leave.
March, 2016
Equality California and Transgender Law Center Commend California Democratic Party for Supporting Transgender California
San Jose - February 29, 2016 - Equality California (EQCA) and the Transgender Law Center (TLC) applaud the California Democratic Party for its vote to incorporate a plank in the party platform affirming the rights and dignity of transgender people.
Kansas Woman Sues State for Denying Her an Accurate Birth Certificate
Transgender Law Center, along with co-counsel Irigonegaray and Associates and Caldwell Leslie & Proctor, PC, is representing Stephanie Mott in a lawsuit challenging the state of Kansas's policy of refusing to update the gender markers on the birth certificates of transgender people.
TLC Reaches Settlement in Case of Trailblazing Transgender Prisoner, Michelle Norsworthy
February 23, 2016 - Michelle Norsworthy, a transgender woman who won a groundbreaking preliminary injunction from a federal district court in April 2015 ordering the state to provide her with gender-confirmation surgery, settled today with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Through today's settlement, the state has dropped its request that the court vacate its April ruling and has agreed to provide almost half a million dollars to cover attorney's fees and costs. That means that the ruling will continue to stand as significant legal precedent that other courts across the country will look to when considering cases involving transgender people and health care.
Transgender Law Center condemns South Dakota bill targeting transgender youth
February 16, 2016- Today, the South Dakota Senate voted 20-15 to pass HB 1008, a dangerous bill that singles out transgender students and prohibits them from using restrooms and locker rooms consistent with who they are. The bill already passed the House and now goes to the governor's office.
Transgender Law Center thanks South Dakota governor for rejecting law targeting transgender youth
March 1, 2016 - Today, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed legislation targeting transgender students and prohibiting their use of school restrooms and locker rooms that align with the gender they live as every day. HB 1008 drew bipartisan censure following its passage from the South Dakota Senate, including statements from local and national business leaders, medical associations, and newspapers urging Governor Daugaard to veto the bill.
Victory for #FreeChristina - Transgender Detainee Granted Bond
February 19, 2016 – In a major victory, Christina Lopez, the undocumented transgender woman at the center of Not1More Deportation's #freeChristina campaign, was granted a $10,000 bond with conditions yesterday after being held for over a year and a half in immigration detention. Christina's case is particularly urgent because she has Hepatitis C, and the Santa Ana detention center where she is being held has refused to provide her with the medical treatment she needs.
November, 2015
California Civil Rights Coalition Prepared for Battle Following Houston LGBT Vote
San Francisco, CA (November 3, 2015) -- Following the loss of a ballot referendum that would have upheld the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), a coalition of California civil rights and LGBT organizations is cautioning supporters to prepare for a similar fight against a potential anti-LGBT ballot initiative in California.
NY to Become 20th State to Explicitly Protect Transgender People from Harassment and Discrimination
October 22, 2015 - Today, Governor Cuomo is expected to announce that New York will issue statewide regulations to protect people based on gender identity, transgender status, and gender dysphoria. The regulations are comprehensive and will apply statewide to employers and providers of housing, public accommodations, and credit.
TLC celebrates groundbreaking CA prison policy ensuring access to gender-affirming medical care
(San Francisco, CA - October 21, 2015) -- This week, following two landmark cases brought by Transgender Law Center, California became the first state in the country to adopt a policy for transgender people in prison to access gender-affirming surgery. The policy, which took effect Tuesday, sets criteria for transgender people in prison to access care, including a determination of medical necessity by medical and mental health profess
September, 2015
LGBT Rights Organizations Join Amnesty International in Call to Decriminalize Sex Work
August 20, 2015 – On Thursday, several LGBT rights organizations across the country issued the following joint statement in support of Amnesty International's August 11th resolution supporting sex worker human rights.
State of CA and Transgender Law Center reach historic settlement over trans prisoner health care
August 7, 2015 - Today, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation reached a groundbreaking settlement with Shiloh Quine, a transgender woman held in a men's prison, to provide medical care, including gender-affirming surgery, determined necessary by several medical and mental health professionals. In the settlement, the state also agreed to change its policies so that transgender prisoners can access clothing and commissary items consistent with their gender identity. The state also affirmed that it is revising its policies regarding transgender inmates' access to medically necessary treatment for gender dysphoria, including surgery.
Transgender Law Center condemns raid, reiterates call to decriminalize sex work
August 26, 2015- Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security suddenly raided the offices of, which has been operating in public view for 18 years, and arrested several staff on charges of racketeering and promoting prostitution. This bust comes at a time when human rights advocates globally are uniting around a call to decriminalize sex work and at a time when the United States has the largest prison population in the world, with people of color, particularly Black people, representing a vastly disproportionate percentage of the incarcerated.
August, 2015
Groundbreaking survey to assess needs and realities of transgender people living with HIV/AIDS
Oakland, CA - August 3, 2015 – Today, Transgender Law Center launched the Positively Trans (T+) survey, a first-of-its-kind community-led needs assessment to examine the legal and policy landscape as experienced by transgender women, men, and gender non-conforming people living with HIV/AIDS across the country.
Meagan Taylor, Black trans woman arrested and held in isolation, is now free
July 22, 2015 - Meagan Taylor, a Black transgender woman whose story made headlines when she was arrested after checking into an Iowa hotel and then held in isolation at the Polk County Jail, has been released after over a week in custody. This news follows advocacy by local groups, national organizations, and a pastor who raised the money for her bail.
Transgender Law Center statement on Equality Act introduction
July 23, 2015 - Today, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) introduced the Equality Act, which would protect LGBT people from discrimination in many sectors of life, including employment, education, public accommodations, and housing.
TRUTH campaign launches to build storytelling movement for trans youth and supportive families
Oakland, CA - August 4, 2015 – Today, Transgender Law Center and GSA Network launched TRUTH, a national storytelling campaign that aims to build empathy, understanding, and a movement for transgender and gender non-conforming youth and their families to share their stories in their own words and in their own way.
June, 2015
DMV again settles with a transgender woman assaulted by an employee in the Bay Area
June 4, 2015 - A San Francisco transgender woman has settled her privacy and civil rights lawsuit with the California Department of Motor Vehicles, the second lawsuit of its kind against the DMV in the Bay Area in the past four years. In March 2013, Jane Doe, who wishes to remain anonymous to protect her privacy, went to the DMV to change the gender marker on her ID to accurately reflect her gender identity. When she presented her paperwork to the clerk, the DMV employee was friendly until discovering that she was transgender. At that point he became visibly angry and began to loudly lecture her on the "sin" of being transgender, calling Ms. Doe the "devil," until she broke down crying. A manager later apologized and told Ms. Doe that the employee had "done this before."
May, 2015
Groundbreaking EEOC ruling finds the Army discriminated against transgender employee by denying bathroom access, pronoun
April 8, 2015 -- In a landmark ruling issued on April 1, 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) determined that some of the most common forms of harassment faced by transgender employees constitute unlawful discrimination under Title VII, the federal sex discrimination law. The decision found that the Department of the Army discriminated against Tamara Lusardi, a transgender employee who transitioned from male to female on the job, by barring her from using the same restroom as all other female employees, and by her supervisors' continued intentional use of male names and pronouns in referring to Ms. Lusardi after her transition. Transgender Law Center represented Ms. Lusardi with the pro bono assistance of Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein.