PrEP4All (22 Articles with 17,616 total views)

Igniting political action to put lifesaving HIV prevention medication, paid for by the American taxpayer, in the hands of the people who need it most.

November, 2024

NEW REPORT: The Pathway Forward for a National PrEP Program

NEW REPORT: The Pathway Forward for a National PrEP Program
This year, PrEP4All convened over 50 PrEP users, providers, community leaders, health department representatives, and researchers from around the country to discuss best practices for achieving equity in a National PrEP Program. Following meetings hosted at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, PrEP4All has released top level recommendations in our latest report, The Path Forward for a National PrEP Program: Policy and Implementation PrioritiesAn accompanying summary document is also available. PrEP4All sincerely thanks Arnold Ventures for its support of this critical work.

October, 2024

PrEP4All Statement on Interim PURPOSE 2 Results

PrEP4All Statement on Interim PURPOSE 2 Results
September 12, 2024 - Today, Gilead Sciences announced early interim results from its PURPOSE 2 trial demonstrating that among men who have sex with men, transgender, and nonbinary individuals lenacapavir administered as a once every six-month injectable PrEP resulted in an HIV rate that was 96% lower compared with expected background levels of new HIV infections and 89% lower compared with oral TDF/FTC. Following on the early results of PURPOSE 1 in cisgender women in sub-Saharan Africa, which showed no new HIV infections in the lenacapavir arm, the company is prepared to seek regulatory approval in hopes of coming to market in 2025.

STATEMENT: National PrEP Advocates Applaud CDC PrEP Pilot Launch

STATEMENT: National PrEP Advocates Applaud CDC PrEP Pilot Launch
Thursday, October 4th, 2024- Advocates applaud the announcement of the five jurisdictions to receive funding as part of a first-of-its-kind Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PrEP pilot. While the original notification of funding opportunity (NOFO) allocated $7M in funds for four jurisdictions, in the face of overwhelming demand from 17 health departments who applied, the CDC increased the investment to $10M $2M each for five jurisdictions a clear sign of the urgent need for more PrEP funding. The initiative has the potential to show how a National PrEP Program , as championed by advocacy organizations all over the US, could transform equitable PrEP access by greatly simplifying cost coverage, expanding access to providers, and creating more effective and community-driven education and awareness initiatives. PrEP4All, PrEP in Black America, HIVMA, and AVAC stand ready to work alongside key stakeholders in the five jurisdictions chosen Baltimore, Houston, Florida, Oklahoma, and South Carolina and provide insights from the last three years of multi-stakeholder discussions led by our organizations.

September, 2024

Heeding Community Advocates' Calls, CDC Funds PrEP Pilot Program, Allows Funds to Pay for Generic Medications

Heeding Community Advocates' Calls, CDC Funds PrEP Pilot Program, Allows Funds to Pay for Generic Medications
Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 For the first time ever, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will allow for funding to pay for generic PrEP medications as part of a new supplemental funding opportunity aimed at quickly scaling up equitable PrEP access in four jurisdictions. Advocates have been calling for such an initiative to serve as a pilot for a National PrEP Program for un- and underinsured individuals; a key component of which would involve the implementation of a user-friendly PrEP Pass that could eliminate cost and complexity as a barrier to medications, HIV testing, necessary lab work, and provider visits.

April, 2024

PrEP4All Launches #PrEPSaves PrEP Users' Union

PrEP4All Launches #PrEPSaves PrEP Users' Union
Since 2018, PrEP4All has led the charge for a federally-funded National PrEP Program, and as the movement has gotten more attention, including calls from the White House to Congress to fund such a program, it is more important now than ever to uplift the voices of PrEP users in key HIV policy discussions. That's why PrEP4All is expanding the groundwork laid with our Summer 2023 #PrEPSaves campaign to launch the #PrEPSaves PrEP Users' Union (P2U).

President Biden Proposes a National PrEP Program for a Third Year in his FY25 Budget Request

President Biden Proposes a National PrEP Program for a Third Year in his FY25 Budget Request
PrEP4All welcomes the Biden Administration's ongoing commitment to a National PrEP Program for un- and underinsured individuals in America. For the third year, the Administration has called for a 10-year $9.8B investment in equitable PrEP scale up to erase enormous racial, gender, and geographic disparities in PrEP uptake (see page 6 of the HHS Budget in Brief).

March, 2024

PrEP4All and Over 100 Partner Organizations Tell Congress to #SaveHIVFunding!

PrEP4All and Over 100 Partner Organizations Tell Congress to #SaveHIVFunding!
In response to an unprecedented proposed $767 million in domestic HIV funding cuts in the House of Representatives, PrEP4All, along with our partners AVAC, HIVMA, PrEP In Black America, NASTAD, the HIV + Hepatitis Policy Institute, The AIDS Institute, AIDS United, NMAC, and several members of the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership launched the #SaveHIVFunding campaign at the United States Conference on HIV/AIDS in Washington DC last Fall. Since then, thousands of advocates and community members, along with over 100 organizations, have joined the fight to demand Congress keep the bipartisan commitment to fund Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) activities.

October, 2023

PrEP4All to Embark on Groundbreaking National PrEP Program Discussions

PrEP4All to Embark on Groundbreaking National PrEP Program Discussions
PrEP4All will hold a series of high-level consultations that will advance a strategic conversation on the costs, benefits, and best practices for a National PrEP Program for un- and under-insured individuals in America. The organization will convene key experts and thought leaders to capture the potential value of a National PrEP Program for communities across the United States.

The National Coalition of STD Directors and PrEP4All Urge White House Intervention on Syphilis Drug Shortage

The National Coalition of STD Directors and PrEP4All Urge White House Intervention on Syphilis Drug Shortage
Washington, D.C. - On Monday, a coalition of 39 leading public health groups sent a letter urging the White House Drug Shortage Task Force to prioritize action to end the ongoing shortage of Bicillin L-A. Bicillin L-A is the only approved treatment for syphilis in pregnant women and the preferred treatment for syphilis in adults, infants, and children. Clinics and states have reported being unable to access Bicillin L-A, and Pfizer - the drug's exclusive manufacturer - has reported that they will not resolve the shortage until mid 2024.

September, 2023

PrEP4All, AVAC, HIVMA, and the PrEP In Black America Coalition Applaud Senate Proposal to Increase Key HIV Funding, Build National PrEP Program

PrEP4All, AVAC, HIVMA, and the PrEP In Black America Coalition Applaud Senate Proposal to Increase Key HIV Funding, Build National PrEP Program
July 28, 2023 - Soundly rejecting House efforts to gut HIV funding, yesterday the Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) Appropriations Subcommittee released its FY24 spending bill which clearly reflects concerted efforts by PrEP activists over the past few months to prioritize support for a national PrEP program. The Senate bill would allocate $616 million in funding for the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE), including a $3 million increase to CDC that specifically "support[s] the building blocks for a national program to increase…PrEP (pg. 60)."

August, 2023

PrEP4All and the Elton John AIDS Foundation Announce Strategic Partnership to Advance a National PrEP Program

PrEP4All and the Elton John AIDS Foundation Announce Strategic Partnership to Advance a National PrEP Program
PrEP4All is proud to announce that our work to ensure equitable PrEP access for all in the United States will be supported by a two-year investment totaling nearly $670,000 from the Elton John AIDS Foundation. This new strategic partnership comes at a pivotal point in the movement for a National PrEP Program for uninsured and underinsured individuals in the United States. PrEP4All, a nonprofit dedicated to equitable PrEP access, was the first organization to call for such a program shortly after its foundation in 2018.

July, 2023

PrEP4All and PIPLI Commend DOJ for Continuing to Press Its Case in U.S. v. Gilead

PrEP4All and PIPLI Commend DOJ for Continuing to Press Its Case in U.S. v. Gilead
PrEP4All commends the Department of Justice (DOJ) for taking action and urging a Delaware federal judge to overturn the recent verdict in US v. Gilead, which, should it stand, would let Gilead off the hook for infringing on patents held by the federal government. On May 17th, PrEP4All along with the Public Interest Patent Law Institute (PIPLI) and with legal representatives from Columbia Law School's Science, Health, and Information Clinic released a statement expressing extreme disappointment in the verdict in U.S. v. Gilead and calling on DOJ to continue to press its case and potentially call for a new trial.

Register Now for PrEP In Black America’s Mpox Webinar

Register Now for PrEP In Black America’s Mpox Webinar
Calling all public health and sexual health activists! Please join PrEP4All, PrEP In Black America, Treatment Action Group, and AVAC on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, for a webinar on mpox. We'll cover the latest research and updates on how vaccines and treatments work, risk factors for severe symptoms and disease, and the ongoing fight to address disparities in infection rates and uptake of vaccines, treatments and tests that impact Black communities.

May, 2023

PrEP Advocates Convene Virtual Town Hall Responding to Braidwood v. Becerra

PrEP Advocates Convene Virtual Town Hall Responding to Braidwood v. Becerra
Thursday, April 6th, 2023, New York, NY- Hundreds of HIV prevention advocates nationwide convened on Tuesday to discuss the implications of Judge Reed O'Connor's ruling in the Texas Braidwood v. Becerra case that could impact access to PrEP and other preventive health interventions for millions of Americans. The ruling states private insurers are no longer required to cover certain preventive care services under the Affordable Care Act, including PrEP.

Science Held Hostage: PrEP4All Exposes Big Pharma's Efforts to Delay Innovative, Lifesaving COVID-19 Research in Investigative Report

Science Held Hostage: PrEP4All Exposes Big Pharma's Efforts to Delay Innovative, Lifesaving COVID-19 Research in Investigative Report
New York, NY - April 18, 2023 - The Biden Administration's "Project Next Gen" initiative for new pandemic-focused vaccines and treatments could be delayed by months or even years by pharmaceutical companies that will not make current SARS CoV-2 vaccines readily available for pre-clinical and clinical research, according to PrEP4All. This is the conclusion from the advocacy organization's new report, released today, titled "Science Held Hostage: How Pharma is Using mRNA Vaccine Contracts With Government to Delay Future Innovation." The publication details how pharmaceutical companies are using language from contracts inked in the earliest days of the pandemic as an excuse for delaying access to their vaccines. The report also reveals that US government funding is being used to purchase generic versions of Pfizer's mRNA vaccine for use in pre-clinical research.

April, 2023

Judge in US v. Gilead Responds to Calls for Transparency; Presses Gilead and DOJ to Justify Excessive Redactions and Sealing in Key Public Filings

Judge in US v. Gilead Responds to Calls for Transparency; Presses Gilead and DOJ to Justify Excessive Redactions and Sealing in Key Public Filings
Wilmington, DE - March 28, 2023 - On March 20, Judge Maryellen Noreika, presiding judge in the landmark patent infringement case United States v. Gilead Sciences, called for a hearing to review both the U.S. government and Gilead Sciences' reasons for excessive secrecy in their public case filings. The hearing will take place on April 4. This move follows a March 14 letter sent to the judge by Columbia Law School's Science, Health & Information Clinic on behalf of PrEP4All and the Public Interest Patent Law Institute (PIPLI), which flagged pervasive and unjustified redactions by Gilead and the U.S. government alike, requested justification for the parties' secrecy, and requested submission of new, less heavily redacted versions of their filings. Judge Noreika's call for a hearing marks a win for PrEP4All, PIPLI, and public interest and transparency advocates more broadly, as it indicates that she is concerned that the U.S. government and Gilead have improperly shielded much of their evidence and legal arguments from public view. PIPLI and PrEP4All applaud the Judge's rapid response to their letter calling for transparency.

PrEP4All Appreciates Ongoing Biden Commitment to National PrEP Program in FY24 Budget

PrEP4All Appreciates Ongoing Biden Commitment to National PrEP Program in FY24 Budget
(New York, NY) As part of his FY24 Budget Request released last week, President Biden once again included a $9.8B ten-year proposal for a National PrEP Program. PrEP4All reiterates its gratitude for this vision for a robust PrEP program, which was first proposed last year, and appreciates the Administration's ongoing commitment to establish a National PrEP Program. As we approach 11 years since FDA approval of PrEP, advocates urge the White House to move forward as soon as possible to put in place a national PrEP initiative using discretionary funding to more quickly increase PrEP equity and end current disparities based on race, ethnicity, gender and geography. Increased PrEP access and uptake also would improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs.

PrEP4All To Hold Emergency Virtual Town Hall this Tuesday In Response To Braidwood v. Becerra

PrEP4All To Hold Emergency Virtual Town Hall this Tuesday In Response To Braidwood v. Becerra
PrEP4All and the HIV advocacy community are outraged at U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor's decision in Braidwood v. Becerra, striking the requirement that most insurers cover a range of critical preventive services such as PrEP, HIV testing, STD screening, cancer screenings, diabetes screenings, and more . PrEP4All, joined by AVAC, HIV Medicine Association, Center for HIV Law & Policy, Lambda Legal, and other HIV prevention advocates, will host an emergency virtual town hall on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 6:00 PM ET. We will help the community better understand the implications of Judge Reed's ruling and discuss next advocacy steps to ensure those in need of PrEP can access it.

Register Now For Second PrEP In Black America Summit New Orleans, LA May 19, 2023

Register Now For Second PrEP In Black America Summit  New Orleans, LA May 19, 2023
Join Black HIV prevention advocates from across the U.S. for the second interactive PrEP In Black America Summit in New Orleans, LA on May 19, as we develop and build on existing strategies to increase PrEP access and awareness in the Black community. Thanks to continued support from The Red Hot Organization, we are able to offer the PrEP In Black America Summit at no cost to advocates and community members. 

March, 2023

Black HIV Advocates Release "Master Plan for HIV Prevention" and Announce Next PrEP In Black America Summit in New Orleans, LA

Black HIV Advocates Release
Atlanta, GA-On National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (Feb. 7), Black HIV Prevention advocates released "For Us By Us: PrEP In Black America: A Master Plan for HIV Prevention In Black America", a roadmap to drastically scale-up use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the Black community. PrEP is a biomedical tool used to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV by over 99%. The report, which covers findings from the PrEP In Black America Summit held in Atlanta, GA on September 13, 2022, was compiled by researchers in the iSTRIVE Lab, with evaluation data compiled by Muse Research, LLC.

NEJM: PrEP4All and Killelea Consulting Make the Case for Investing in National HIV PrEP Preparedness

NEJM: PrEP4All and Killelea Consulting Make the Case for Investing in National HIV PrEP Preparedness
New York, NY - February 27, 2023 - In a new Perspectives article, "Investing In National HIV PrEP Preparedness ," published on February 25th in the New England Journal of Medicine, PrEP4All's Acting Executive Director Jeremiah Johnson and former Managing Director of Advocacy & Organizing Kenyon Farrow along with Amy Killelea of Killelea Consulting and Johns Hopkins University make the case for the Biden Administration, Congress, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to immediately advance a National PrEP Program as part of a broader effort to improve public health responses for marginalized communities.

February, 2023

Register for PrEP In Black America's "The Power Of PrEP" Webinar On February 7, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Register for PrEP In Black America's
Just two months after the ten-year anniversary of Food and Drug Administration approval of PrEP, Black advocates gathered in Atlanta, GA at our inaugural PrEP in Black America Summit to address the dismal PrEP utilization rates in the Black community. On National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, we will gather again at our "The Power of PrEP" webinar to discuss the outcomes of the Summit and preview a roadmap that will serve as a framework to increase PrEP uptake in the Black community and help end the HIV epidemic

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