President Biden Proposes a National PrEP Program for a Third Year in his FY25 Budget Request

PrEP4All welcomes the Biden Administration's ongoing commitment to a National PrEP Program for un- and underinsured individuals in America. For the third year, the Administration has called for a 10-year $9.8B investment in equitable PrEP scale up to erase enormous racial, gender, and geographic disparities in PrEP uptake (see page 6 of the HHS Budget in Brief).

"The President's announcement is even more significant this year in light of alarming recent data on PrEP uptake in America." explains PrEP4All Executive Director Jeremiah Johnson. "In October, the CDC shocked many of us with 2022 data showing that 94% of White individuals most in need of PrEP had received a prescription compared to only 24% and 13% of Latinx and Black individuals. It is wrong and unfair to end HIV as an epidemic only for white men in the US; we clearly need greater investment in PrEP."

Differences in PrEP uptake make a huge difference in efforts to end the epidemic. A recent analysis from researchers at Emory University shows that States with the highest PrEP coverage decreased new HIV diagnoses by 8% annually between 2012 and 2021, while States with low PrEP coverage increased 2% annually. The President's proposal once again reflects expert and community analysis on the best ways to approach PrEP disparities. A report released by the Southern AIDS Coalition and PrEP4All last week highlights some the most significant barriers to PrEP access in the South; a National PrEP Program would significantly address most of the barriers to PrEP in the American region that is simultaneously the most impacted by new HIV infections and the highest rates of un- and underinsured Americans.

"The foundation of the President's vision for equitable PrEP access is well established. But as we've said for the last two years, this won't translate into change without action by Congress. We must immediately find bridge funding towards the President's program, and we look forward to continuing our work with Congress and the Administration on how to turn ideas into investment" Johnson further elaborates.

"The National PrEP Program can be started right now via existing PrEP funding." says Michael Chancley, PrEP4All's Communications and Mobilization Manager. "PrEP4All has been meeting with CDC and HHS to find ways to more strategically leverage those dollars and build a bridge toward a national program. In 2024, we look forward to seeing our public health officials take action to increase equitable access to PrEP."

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