Meadville City Council offers domestic partner benefits to Meadville city employees

By Peg Watts

December 10, 2013 - Meadville, PA Progress toward fair and equal treatment for same-sex couples has arrived in the municipality of Meadville, Pennsylvania. Meadville City Council member, Robert Langley confirmed —as of January 1, 2014—same sex domestic partners not currently afforded healthcare benefits under labor contracts will now be provided dependent coverage.

In a study session on December 4, 2013, it was unanimously decided that, although Pennsylvania does not currently allow same sex marriage; many same-sex couples do meet the commonwealth's criteria for domestic partnership. The council agreed allowing these couples dependent health coverage is in everyone's best interest.

"We want to be fair and equal to all of our employees and their families," Langley explains. "It shows the city cares about all families no matter what they look like. This was discussed several years ago -- but the provider at that time did not have this option. Now that it does - we want to move forward."

The new policy also sets criteria for establishing domestic partnerships - including a list of documented evidence. For instance, a marriage certificate from another state or commonwealth that recognizes same-sex marriage would be considered documentary evidence. The act would become invalid should Pennsylvania or a high court decision make it unnecessary.

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