Voter Information

Everything you need to know about voting in the General Election on November 3, whether you are voting by mail or in person. If you are voting by mail, pay particular attention to placing your ballot inside the security envelope, and then inside the return envelope, as well as signing and filling out your return envelope.

Early Voting:

Thanks to Act 77 which Governor Wolf signed into law last Fall, Pennsylvanians can Vote Early for the first time!


Mail-In/Absentee Voting:

Mail-in or absentee voting offers eligible voters a secure, convenient, accessible and, during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially safe option of voting in the privacy of their own homes. To vote by mail, remember these tips and requirements:



Voting In Person on Election Day:

If they have not voted by mail or in person ahead of the Nov. 3rd election, they can vote at the polls on election day between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.


Who Should I Call If I Have a Question?

Voters who need information or encounter problems at their polling place should call the state’s official election day hotline toll free at: 1-877-868-3772.


Pennsylvanians now have voting options that are more secure, accessible and convenient than ever before. Whichever option you choose, the most important thing is that you and your community votes and lets your voices be heard.

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