Trump's Attacks on LGBTQ Families

The Trump-Pence administration's rollback of LGBTQ rights extends to actions that attempt to unravel LGBTQ families. Their extreme policies are an attempt to shape America in the image desired by anti-LGBTQ groups that have the ear of this administration.

Trump allowed foster care programs to discriminate while accepting tax-payer funds

The Trump White House has proposed a federal regulation that would strip away nondiscrimination requirements and permit all Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) funded foster care agencies, to discriminate against LGBTQ people, religious minorities, and women, and still receive federal funding.

The Trump Administration refused visas to same-sex partners of diplomats

The State Department began refusing visas for same-sex partners of some diplomats and U.N. workers if they are not married.

The Trump Administration changed rules to deny surrogate born children citizenship

The Trump Administration has interpreted immigration rules specifically so the child of a same-sex couple born abroad via surrogate would be considered "born out of wedlock" and making it more difficult to obtain U.S. citizenship.

With Fulton being heard in November, taxpayer-funded LGBTQ discrimination is on the table

The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on Fulton v. City of Philadelphia the day after the election, which could have an enormous impact on the lives of more than 440,000 children in foster care around the country by enabling a license to discriminate against LGBTQ people, religious minorities, and other marginalized communities using taxpayer funds.

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