May, 2014 News (3 Articles with 14,960 total views)
On the cover of the print edition for May, 2014 **None
This began publication in December 2002 after a hiatus
Category for this issueCalendar & Upcoming Events
Calendar of Local GLBT Events |
Local and Regional News
Primary Candidate Forum
On Wednesday, April 16, NW PA Pride Alliance and other co-sponsoring groups presented a Candidate Forum on Wednesday, April 16 at 7 PM at First Niagara Bank Community Room, 27 people attended, including candidates Thomas Tarantella (US Congress PA-3 - D), Michael T Muha (PA State Senate 50 - D), Flo Fabrizio (P State House 2 D-Incumbent), Curt Smith (PA State House 4 - D), Juanita Shutsa (PA State House 6 - D) and Wayne Hanson (PA State House 17 - D,) Additionally, Rob McCord (PA Governor - D) sent Jordan and Graham and Ryan Bizzarro (PA State House 3 - D-Incumbent) sent Linda McCabe. There was also coverage by both local TV news crews.
Political, Activism and Legal
ME4PA Candlelight Vigil for Equality
About 20 people braved the cold to take part in a vigil for Marriage Equality on March 26 Perry Square in Erie. Similar actions took place around the state. (Ed. Note: Marriage Equality for PA became Pennsylvania Equality Project in late 2014.)
Voters Guide
Candidates for US Congress PA-3 and PA-5, PA State Senate and PA State House were asked about their positions on GLBT issues. Their responses appear below.