Voters Guide

Candidates for US Congress PA-3 and PA-5, PA State Senate and PA State House were asked about their positions on GLBT issues. Their responses appear below.

These were the questions for US Congress:


Last year, the United States Senate passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), providing federal protection for LGBT individuals from job discrimination. The bill has gone to the House. Do you support this bill? Please explain. 

Marriage Equality

In the 2013 Windsor decision, the United States Supreme Court declined to decide if the LGBT community has a constitutional right to marriage equality. Conflicting state rulings have occurred since this time, causing the issue to soon be back before the Court. Do you support a constitutional right to marriage equality for the LGBT community? Please explain. 


What would you like to let the Erie area LGBT community to know?


Not Responding: Dan LaVallee (D), Mike Kelly (R-Incumbent)

Mike Kelly (R-Incumbent)

Editors' Note: Mike Kelly did not respond to the questionnaire, but did respond to a question about ENDA at a townhall meeting in Vernon Township in July 2011. A constituent asked Rep. Kelly if he supported ENDA and Kelly responded by talking about his support for DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act ) which bans same-sex marriage. He then quickly changing the subject. You can view his entire response on our website, link to it from this article on our website.


Not Responding: Kerith Strano-Taylor (D), Glenn Thompson (R-Incumbent)


These were the questions for PA State Offices:


Do you support the passage of SB/HB 300, which would amend the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act to include protecting LGBT individuals from discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation? Please explain. 


Do you support the PASS Act, which would amend the Public School Code of 1949 to include protecting LGBT individuals from bullying in public schools? Please explain.


What would you like to let the Erie area LGBT community to know? 

PA Governor

Not Responding: Allyson Schwartz (D), Tom Corbett (R-Incumbent), Bob Guzzardi (R)


Tom Corbett (R-Incumbent)

[Editors 'note]: In December, Corbett stated ""If that bill comes to my desk, I'll sign it," Source: The Morning Call on 2014 Pennsylvania Governor race , Dec 18, 2013

Rob McCord (D)

Yes. Once elected governor, I will be an ardent and enthusiastic advocate for HB 300, just as I have in my current role as state treasurer. While I do not have a vote in the legislature as treasurer, I do have a voice, and I have used that voice to speak out frequently in favor of this bill.

Beyond this being a matter of fairness, this issue also shapes our economy. Praising House Bill 300 in a May 2013 op-ed, I wrote about how expanding the rights of the LGBT community is not only the right thing to do morally, it also provides a positive impact on Pennsylvania's economy. Diversity and non-discrimination in the workplace improves performance – and helps attract the best and the brightest to our state. That's good for our business climate, for our state's tax base, and for job creation.

Kathleen McGinty (D)

I am a strong supporter of HB 300 and have state so publicly numerous times in press releases, public statements and social media. As Governor, I will make passage of this legislation a priority and will use the bully pulpit of the Governor's office pressure the legislature to pass it so that we, as a state, can end discrimination once and for all.

Tom Wolf (D)

All people – regardless of sexual orientation – should be treated equally under the law. At my company, I treat all of my workers fairly and with good benefits. This includes extending benefits to same--?sex partners. I do this not just because it is morally important but also because I understand the practical economic importance of extending rights regardless of sexual orientation. 

As governor, I will promote legislation, like House Bill 300, that makes sexual orientation and gender identity and expression a protected class. I will also support changes to Pennsylvania's tax code so that domestic partners can be recognized as dependents for tax purposes. This would eliminate the need for employees to pay taxes on health benefits covering their same-sex partner.

Marriage Equality

Tom Corbett (R-Incumbent)

[Editors 'note]: Last October, Corbett compared same-sex marriage to incest in a television appearance, stating, ""I think a much better analogy would have been brother and sister, don't you?" Also Corbett administration lawyers support upholding PA DOMA (state marriage ban).

Rob McCord (D)

Yes. Personally and morally, I think it is wrong to discriminate against anyone. That's why I unequivocally stand in support of marriage equality.

This is an issue that is very personal for me. When I was born, there were many states where the kind of interracial marriage I'm in today would have been illegal. We should not deny the rights of people to marry whomever they love, but Pennsylvania remains the only northeast state (from Maine to Maryland) that discriminates against same-sex couples.

Kathleen McGinty (D)

I support marriage equality and have been vocal about it. The first thing I would do is drop Pennsylvania's defense of the unconstitutional law that prohibits same sex couples from marrying. A McGinty Administration will not sit back and wait for the legislature to pass legislation legalizing marriage equality. We will lead and pressure the legislature to act affirmatively to pass legislation in this regard.

Tom Wolf (D)

I support full marriage equality. I strongly believe that government should not be in the businesses of denying two people who love each other the right to enter into a marriage and enjoy the love and benefits that come with it. As governor, I will repeal the state's unconstitutional gay marriage ban and support efforts to create marriage equality in the Commonwealth.


Kathleen McGinty (D)

Bullying is a major problem in our schools and this issue must be addressed immediately to prevent tragedies. As with HB 300, I will make passage of this legislation a priority and will use the bully pulpit of the Governor's office pressure the legislature to pass it. Every child deserves a school where they can be safe and, as Governor, I will fight for that.

Rob McCord (D)

Yes! As governor, I will be an aggressive and vocal advocate for safe schools. Students cannot learn effectively in an environment where they feel threatened. Unfortunately – and tragically –Pennsylvania has among the weakest protections for students against bullying and harassment. That must end.

We must give teachers and school administrators the tools and training they need to identify bullying and students who suffer from this and other forms of abuse, and we must equip education professionals with the knowledge to be able to counsel affected children.

Tom Wolf (D)

I believe safety is a fundamental civil right, and nowhere is that more evident than in our schools. Students go there to learn and should be safe and protected. In order to create an environment where students feel comfortable testing new ideas and asking questions, there Tom Wolf for Governor needs to be a positive school climate where students feel safe. Not only does the Commonwealth need to ensure that public school teachers have the knowledge and tools to prevent bullying but we also need to strengthen our anti-bullying laws so that there are real consequences. 

In addition to addressing issues of in-school bullying, we also need to tackle the problem of cyber-bullying, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have referred to as a public health emergency. As governor, I will support legislation that strengthens our current laws to create serious consequences for bullies and provide school districts with the tools needed to properly address the problem.



Rob McCord (D)

I have long had a strong relationship with the LGBT community, and I firmly believe all Pennsylvanians deserve equality and equal treatment -- and equal protection -- under the law.

Personally and morally, I think it is wrong to discriminate against anyone. That's why I unequivocally stand in support of marriage equality, employment non-discrimination, and protection of the civil rights of those in the LGBT community. Also, as treasurer, I know that equality and equal treatment under the law is good for the economy.

I have been enormously proud of my many endorsements from LGBT organizations during three prior statewide races (one contested primary and two general elections) from organizations such as the Steel City Stonewall Democrats, Equality PA, the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh, the Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club, and the Philadelphia Gay News. Similarly, I was proud last year to keynote the annual Equality Forum dinner in Philadelphia at the invitation of my good friend Malcolm Lazin, the director of that organization.

It has been a privilege for me to lend my voice as a statewide elected official to a number of fights in the name of ending discrimination. And I was surprised and delighted when I was told that I was the first statewide elected official to speak in favor of marriage equality at the Democratic state committee. (That helped to cement my support from the openly gay chair of the South-central Democratic Caucus, Roger Lund.)

I sincerely believe achieving equality for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning people is the civil rights fight of our time. I'm proud to be engaged in this fight in the name of fairness, justice, and equality.

Kathleen McGinty (D)

I have seen the issues that face the LGBT community firsthand with my brother who is gay. These issues – whether it is marriage equality, discrimination in the workplace, bullying, etc. – are not theoretical. They are personal. The LGBT community and the issues that effect this community matter to me. With a McGinty Administration, you will have a friend, ear and strong supporter in Harrisburg. I will fight for you and fight for the equality of all Pennsylvanian's.

Tom Wolf (D)

William Penn founded Pennsylvania on a basis of fairness and tolerance. Our Commonwealth must continue to be a place that pays faithful tribute to those good values. 

I am running for governor because I want to give Pennsylvania a fresh start – to make the Commonwealth the nation's "Keystone" for economic growth with its abundant natural resources, vibrant agricultural sector, world class universities and colleges, and its ideal location as the transportation and telecommunications hub between the East Coast, Midwest, and world markets. 

Pennsylvania is not going to get this fresh start unless we level the playing field and start treating all residents with the respect they deserve. As governor, I will work tirelessly to advance the rights of all residents, end discrimination against the LGBT community, and ensure that two people who love each other have the right to marry. Additionally, I will work recruit and actively encourage more LGBT residents to enter politics at the local, state, and national level.

PA Senate District 50

Not Responding: Michele Brooks (R), Greg Lucas (R)


Michael T Muha (D)

If elected to the Pennsylvania Senate, I will not only support, but co-sponsor any legislation that bans LGBT discrimination from employment, housing, and public accommodation. Pennsylvania should be a state where we welcome people to live, work, and play.

Jane L MacPherson (R)

I support these changes Oct 27, 1955 (P.L. 744, No 222)

Marriage Equality

Michael T Muha (D)

I would also support and co-sponsor any legislation that would repeal the Pennsylvania Defense of Marriage Act.

Jane L MacPherson (R)

I support same sex civil unions - I oppose calling it "marriage."



Michael T Muha (D)

As an anti-bullying advocate for public school children, I am a strong supporter of any legislation that protects students. Certainly sexual orientation and gender identity are two categories that should be protected.

Jane L MacPherson (R)

All students should be protected from bullying for any reason.


Michael T Muha (D)

That you will not have a greater ally and friend to support you and your cause. I strongly believe that all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, should be treated with respect and compassion. As your next State Senator, I will fight for you and your right to be equal under the law.

Jane L MacPherson (R)

It concerns me when too many laws are written. When we as a state, try to legislate everything then the government is the deciders of winners & losers amount of effort the individual puts into the task should be the decider of the outcome. Equal work, equal pay. No matter what!

PA State House District 1

Not responding: Patrick Harkins (D-Incumbent)

[Editors' note]: Patick Harkins is a co-sponsor of HB 300 (anti-discrimination)and the PASS Act (against bullying)

PA State House District 2

Not responding: Flo Fabrizio (D-Incumbent)

[Editors' note]: At the NW PA Pride Alliance candidates forum April 16, Rep. Fabrizion stated that he "Absolutely" supports repeal of the PA DOMA law. In response to a question about HB 300, he said, "I've co-sponsore that from Day 1."

PA State House District 3

Not Responding: Luke E Lofgren (R) 


Ryan Bizzarro (D-Incumbent)

I absolutely support the passage of HB300, which is why I am a co-sponsor of this legislation. No employer, landlord, or business should have the right to deny another person their rights due to sex, religion, race, or sexual orientation. No one should fear loss of their job because they have a picture of their partner or family on their desk.

Marriage Equality

Ryan Bizzarro (D-Incumbent)

I believe that the HB 300 must become law in PA before the argument can be made for the passage of the PA DOMA. YOu have to have a law in place that clearly states that we are all equal under the law and we are subject to the same rights.


Ryan Bizzarro (D-Incumbent)

I do support the passage of the PASS Act (HB 156) and have shown my support by becoming a co-sponsor of the Act.


Ryan Bizzarro (D-Incumbent)

I meet on a regular bases with Rep. Brian Sims and Rep. Fleck who keep me updated on the issues dealing with the LGBT community. I would also like everyone to know that my door is always open to all. If youhave have any questions or concerns, please call my office to speak to me or to my staff. We can be reached at 814-835-2880 or email me at

PA State House District 4

Not Responding: Curt Sonney (R-Incumbent)


Curt Smith (D)

YES, This Community is worthy of equal treatment as are all Pennsylvanians.

Marriage Equality

Curt Smith (D)

YES,I also support marriage equality and I think the state of Pennsylvania should recognize gay marriage as being legal to marry and be recognized as a gay couple.



Curt Smith (D)

YES, As a School Director, and the Chairman of the Policy committee we look hard at our policies to prevent issues that could arise in our school system. I support to prevent bullying and defend equal rights.


Curt Smith (D)

It is not a representative's responsibility to decided whether LGBT individuals are right or wrong, but to defend the rights as an individual and protect there rights that all Men & Women should be treated equally

PA State House District 6

Not Responding: Brad Roae (R-Incumbent)


Juanita Shutsa (D)

Yes. I believe discrimination of any group in the area of employment, housing, and public accommodation to be reprehensible and unacceptable.

Marriage Equality

Juanita Shutsa (D)

Yes. I believe that those opposed to same-sex marriage are confusing religious views and the laws of the state. I believe in the separation of church and state. Therefore I would vote to repeal PA DOMA. 


Juanita Shutsa (D)

Yes. Bullying is unacceptable in any shape or form toward any individual or group of individuals, period.


Juanita Shutsa (D)

I would like to let the Erie area LGBT community know that I am a person who recognizes and will support the full equality of all persons of our district and our state. Legislation which would promote bigotry and prejudice have no place in the law books of our commonwealth. I believe in every individual's freedom of choice regardless of that choice's agreement with my or another's personal beliefs.

PA State House District 17

Not Responding: Dennis P Webber (D), Ed Franz (R), Patrick J Gehrlein (R), Parke Wentling (R)


Wayne E Hanson (D)

I support the passage of SB/HB 300. All citizens are entitled to equal opportunity and protection from discrimination. This includes discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

Gary J Temple (R)

I do not believe this bill will be brought up for a vote at this time.

Marriage Equality

Wayne E Hanson (D)

I absolutely support the repeal of the so called "Defense of Marriage Act". 

This act has no relevance to a modern/loving world. If we really want to defend marriage, we should be looking at policies that support marriage and encourage family life. We need to ask ourselves what truly causes marriage failure and family dysfunction and try to correct that. Poverty is a good start.

Gary J Temple (R)

No. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman.



Wayne E Hanson (D)

I support the PASS Act. There are already many avenues for protecting students from bullying. Unfortunately we need special legislation to "remind" and "require" the powers to be, and all others, that "all" students deserve this protection, and this protection "must be provided".

Gary J Temple (R)

I believe that any type of bullying is not permissible to anyone.


Wayne E Hanson (D)

Citizens in the LGBT community are part of the long list of groups that have been subject to bias and discrimination. I have been an advocate against unjust treatment most of my life. One example, I was an advocate for the mentally retarded helping them obtain their right to denied education and MH/MR. Services. This was greatly needed until the 70s and is now much improved. I am now retired. Previously I was a District Justice for 18 years. Every day my goal was to insure all citizens were treaty fairly. I have always encouraged others that it is important to stand up for their rights and what is right. I have volunteered my time to help others overcome unjust practices and unsympathetic organizations. For example several years ago a college student being harassed at school because of his sexual orientation. It is important that organizations such as the Pride Alliance exist. Mutual support is the key to bring about needed change. 
I viewed this questionnaire as the best I received. The NW PA Pride Alliance is providing a valuable service by reasonable questions and not editing the answers.
I will be honored if any person with the Pride Alliance would be willing to volunteer with my campaign. Home Phone 814-587-3418


Gary J Temple (R)

Due to Lenten services at my church, I will not be able to attend your candidate forum ont the 16th, but thank you for the invite. 

David Biros (R)

My position on issues that affect the gay community is that I think that dialogue is the only way that we can change the hearts and minds of people. You have come a long way but still have a long way to go on many issues and maybe I have a way to go but I am willing to listen. Let your readers know I am willing to keep my ears open on anything you have to say. 

In my life I have had the pleasure of working with many gay people who have treated me with respect and dignity and honestly when I have been treated badly it has been with straight people. If it is God's will, I will win this primary and I hope you will invite me back to talk about the issues. God Bless.

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