Voters Guide

Candidates for US Senator, US Congress (PA-16), PA State Senate District 49, and PA State House for areas that included Erie County were asked about their positions on LGBTQIA+ issues.

These were the questions asked for all races:

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

US Senator

Not Responding: David H McCormick (R)

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

Bob Casey (D-Inc)

I believe no one should be discriminated against due to their gender and sexuality, and I have a long record in the U.S. Senate defending LGBTQ+ rights in our country. As a U.S. Senator, I have fought to undo many of the harmful policies that contributed to the historic discrimination of the LGBTQ+ community in the United States.

In 2022, I co-sponsored the historic Respect for Marriage Act, which repealed the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act and now ensures that same-sex marriages are treated equally under the law. I also backed repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, allowing LGBTQ+ Americans to proudly serve in the military. I am an original co-sponsor of the Equality Act, which would prohibit discrimination on the basis of several factors, including gender identity and sexual orientation. I am an original co-sponsor of the LGBTQ+ Panic Defense Prohibition Act, which would ban so-called "panic" defenses based on gender identity or expression, and sexual orientation in federal court.

I will continue to support federal legislation that brings discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community to an end.


What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

Bob Casey (D-Inc)

I believe that LGBTQ youth deserve safe and welcoming environments at home and at school.

I am the sponsor of the Safe Schools Improvement Act, legislation to require local educational agencies to establish policies barring bullying in elementary and secondary schools. Among other things, these policies must prohibit bullying and harassment on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. I am an original co-sponsor of legislation that would require colleges and universities to adopt policies to prevent harassment against LGBTQ+ college students and other students in minority groups. I have also made enforcement of existing civil rights protections for college students a priority. Just recently, I introduced the Showing Up for Students Act, which would provide mandatory funding to double existing funding for the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Education. I also know the toll that conversion therapy continues to take on LGBTQ+ youth across the country, and so I am an original co-sponsor of the Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act, which would prohibit gender identity or sexual orientation "conversion therapy" as a fraudulent practice.

I know that members of the trans community, particularly transgender women of color, are disproportionately impacted by fatal violence. I introduced the Disarm Hate Act to fight back against hate crimes, which is endorsed by groups including the Human Rights Campaign. This legislation was introduced, in part, in response to the horrific Pulse nightclub shootings, and would prevent those convicted of misdemeanor hate crimes from possessing firearms.


In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

Bob Casey (D-Inc)

I am fighting to make sure Americans have access to safe, reliable, and affordable health care, including members of the LGBTQ community. Recently, I called out efforts to ban coverage of gender affirming care at the federal level, making clear I stand against these dangerous policies. I also have taken on insurance and pharmaceutical companies to lower drug and health care costs and health costs. I backed the Inflation Reduction Act, which will cap out-of-pocket costs for those on Medicare Part D, and cap the price of insulin at $35 a month for those on Medicare. I will continue to support legislation that lowers the cost of health care and increases access for Pennsylvanians.

What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

Bob Casey (D-Inc)

In addition to advancing policies that protect LGBTQ+ rights and support the community, I have also worked to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment in my office. In June of 2023, my office was ranked with the highest percentage of LGBTQ+ staff in the entire Senate Democratic caucus. I value the perspectives that my staff bring as they work to make the lives of Pennsylvanians better.

US Congress (PA-16)

Not Responding: Mike Kelly (R-Inc)

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

Preston Nouri (D)

I would support legislation such as the Equality Act that would be able to extend protections against all aforementioned discrimination to the LGBTQIA+ community. I would additionally work with organizations such as the Trevor Project to help craft policy that addresses our mental health crisis that incorporates a sensitivity to the needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals.

What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

Preston Nouri (D)

I am able to take action to support legislation such as the Equality Act that is able to establish protections for sexual orientation and gender identity, and I will work to bring community project funding back to the district to support institutions that are able to help our LGBTQIA+ youth, especially our trans youth, thrive.

In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

Preston Nouri (D)

Healthcare expansion is a major part of my platform, and I am working to help establish single payer healthcare/healthcare for all. As legislation develops, I will ensure a focus on inclusivity as the legislation is written to include care that is both affordable and accessible to all.

What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

Preston Nouri (D)

Aside from my personal commitments to friends and family who are members of the LGBTQIA+ community, I will stand strong for all members of the LGBTQIA+ community to ensure that they are able to thrive in our community and have the protections needed to feel safe and secure in who they are.

PA State Senate (District 49)

Not Responding: Dan Laughlin (R-Inc)

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

Selena King (D)

Reducing Discrimination: My dedication to creating an equitable society for the LGBTQIA+ community is unwavering. I will propose and support comprehensive non-discrimination legislation that protects LGBTQIA+ individuals in employment, housing, and public accommodations. My o?ce will also actively engage with community organizations to develop educational programs to reduce bias and promote acceptance. This approach is not just about legislation; it's about changing hearts and minds to foster a truly inclusive community where everyone is valued and respected.

Jim Wertz (D)

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act prohibits discrimination in the areas of employment, housing and public accommodations based on an individual's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, education status, handicap, or disability, but it does not cover sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. As a member of the State Senate, I would fully support the Fairness Act, which prohibits discrimination in our state based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. A Democratic majority in the State Senate would all but guarantee its passage.


What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

Selena King (D)

Protecting LGBTQ Youth: As a mother, I am dedicated to ensuring the protection and

well-being of LGBTQ youth by advocating for policies that prevent bullying and discrimination in schools and the community. Additionally, I will support inclusive sex education programs that show respect and recognition for LGBTQ identities and relationships.


Jim Wertz (D)

Like many efforts to address safety, security, and belonging, efforts and actions to protect the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ youth require a holistic approach that engages a complex network of stakeholders and allies throughout the community, at large. These actions include ensuring that existinganti-discrimination policies in schools and other public spaces are enforced to protect queer youth from bullying and harassment, among other forms of discrimination. This means providing proper training and education to the teachers and support staff so that they are equipped to support queer youth and to properly identify and address forms of bullying and harassment.

Policies that protect the safety of LGBTQ+ youth, and transgender youth, in particular, should be codified at the state level, and the educational programs for teachers and staff who support them should be fully funded to ensure that everyone can expect and find inclusive environments throughout the Commonwealth.


In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

Selena King (D)

Healthcare Access: I will work to ensure healthcare policies include LGBTQIA+ needs, including insurance coverage for gender-a?rming healthcare. My efforts will aim to reduce healthcare disparities by advocating for training programs for healthcare providers on LGBTQIA+ health issues.

Jim Wertz (D)

All people deserve access to comprehensive healthcare and multifaceted approaches that transcend systemic barriers and promote inclusivity. For those seeking gender-affirming care, including hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery, healthcare facilities should establish policies and protocols that a?rm the identity of patients and ensure their access to respectful, non-discriminatory care. Additionally, I will advocate for insurance policies that expand access to mental health treatment and make coverage of gender-a?rming treatment more accessible and affordable.


What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

Selena King (D)

My Connection to the LGBTQ Community: My campaign is rooted in the belief that everyone deserves to live openly and authentically without fear of discrimination. I have actively supported LGBTQIA+ rights through advocacy, policy support, and by participating in community events that celebrate diversity and inclusion. These actions re?ect my commitment to creating a more equitable society for LGBTQIA+ individuals and highlight the importance of representation, support, and advocacy in fostering an inclusive community.

Jim Wertz (D)

For my entire life, fairness has served as an abiding principle. For as long as I can remember I have been an ally of the LGBTQ+ community. I've tried to promote fairness, equality, and acceptance, when I've been lucky enough to have a platform that allowed me to do so, and I've put my money where my mouth is by supporting businesses that share those values and by boycotting those businesses (or business leaders) that use their profits to invest in the oppression of my friends and loved ones.

As chairman of the Democratic Party, I established the LGBTQIA Caucus (in addition to eight other constituency caucuses) because I wanted the Party to have pathways for inclusion through which people who might not otherwise choose to engage in Party politics could choose to do so. I'm grateful to Michael Mahler for ensuring that the caucus he leads meets regularly and provides a forum to those who would like to attend to express themselves politically.\

Forums for expression - like the LGBTQIA Caucus, the Erie Gay News, and a multitude of churches and organizations throughout our community - provide an invaluable service to our community, at large. If I'm lucky enough to earn your vote and to serve as the next State Senator for PA's 49th District, I look forward to working with and for you, as a friend and ally, in all local and state issues and especially those rooted in resolving and advancing fairness, equality, and acceptance for all.


PA State House District 1

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

Patrick Harkins (D-Inc)

In my eighteen years as a representative I have a 100% voting record in support of LGBT issues. I have held public hearings in our area on a number of bills including HB 300 and I voted in favor of HB 300 when we passed it in the house.

(HB 300 is currently stalled in the senate).


What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

Patrick Harkins (D-Inc)

I have worked on many issues dealing with bullying in schools over the years and sadly it is an issue that hasn't gone away. We are currently looking at a couple pieces of legislation that could help with bullying and intimidation. I have also pushed for more school nurses and counselors at budget time to make sure our schools provide first rate care and provide the help and assistance when needed.

In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

Patrick Harkins (D-Inc)

Healthcare is a basic right that should be affordable and accessible to all. I have fought the battle to cover everyone for many years and will continue to do so. We cannot forget the cost and access to prescriptions, that is something that is critical to everyone. The PREP drug is something that has been a big issue and the promise that it may offer prevention of HIV is life changing, we now have to make sure that it is something people can afford and be able to receive when needed.

What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

Patrick Harkins (D-Inc)

As I said earlier, I have always been a strong supporter of LGBT issues over the years and I intend to do the same going forward.

There are many issues that we are facing as a society and ultimately we must make sure that LGBT people feel safe and are treated fairly when it comes to housing, education, employment and quality of life in our community.

I intend to continue to do that going forward.


PA State House District 2

Not Responding: Matthew Strupczewski (R)

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

Bob Merski (D-Inc)

I voted for HB 300, The Fairness Act, which amends the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act to add explicitly, statutory protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. It's currently sitting in the Senate. As an elected official, I hosted townhall meetings during Pride Month focusing specifically on LGBTQ+ issues and concerns to listen and understand the needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

Bob Merski (D-Inc)

As a former teacher, I know how hard adolescence is for our youth in today's social media world, where you're always plugged in and can't escape the direct messages from flowing into your inbox. For LGBTQ+ youth, it can be even worse. That's why I support having a mandated school counselor to student ratio, so that when our youth need someone to talk to, someone is there for them. Safety is a big issue, from bullying to physical abuse, LGBTQ+ youth are have higher rates of harassment and violence against them. For educators, we can provide professional development on inclusivity and anti-harassment/anti bullying to prevent things before they start. We can also implement policies like having a staff advocate(s) or allies to support LGBTQ+ youth.

In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

Bob Merski (D-Inc)

It's important to me that medical decisions are made between a patient and their doctor. As a health care industry, when private equity conflicts with health equity, it's often times the private equity wins out in our system. We need to continue to work to make sure our health care industry takes care of people and provides the care they need, not shareholders or the company's bottom line by purposely excluding care. That includes HIV/AIDS medication and prophylactic medicine like PrEP medication.

What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

Bob Merski (D-Inc)

I believe in treating everyone with dignity and respect. The world I grew up in back in the 1980's and 1990's looks very different than the world today, and my understanding and viewpoints have evolved over time as well. My great uncle was gay when I was growing up, and he and his partner were part of our family holidays, but they were "friends" and showed no affection towards each other around us in our Catholic family. In high school, I went to Cathedral Prep and I witnessed boys who didn't fit the stereotypical "masculine" who were all too frequently bullied and called derogatory slurs for gay people. In college, Pedro from "The Real World San Francisco" was really my first exposure to an "out" gay couple kissing and showing affection. As a young adult, my best friend was afraid to come out to our friend group because he was worried that we wouldn't like him for being gay. That really made me take a long hard look in the mirror that my best friend was worried I wouldn't like and accept him for being who he is. That forced me to think about myself, and the biases that I had learned through the years from society and my Catholic upbringing. It forced me to think about who I was and the kind of person I wanted to be. And when I distilled it down to what I truly believe in my heart, it's that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

I'm proud of my voting record on LGBTQ+ issues in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, standing as an ally so that people in the LGBTQ+ community can have the same legal protections as everyone else. There are people serving and running for seats in the Pennsylvania House who don't share the values of inclusivity and fairness for all, especially for people who identify as LGBTQ+. They want to use religion and "freedom" to discriminate against those who don't think, pray, or love the same way they do. Your vote matters, because YOU matter! I humbly and respectfully ask for your vote and your support, so that together we can build a fair and just Pennsylvania for all.


PA State House District 3

Not Responding: Micah Goring (R)

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

Ryan Bizzarro (D-Inc)

I was proud to support my friends and colleagues Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta and Rep. Jessica Benham in voting to support the Fairness Act earlier this session

What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

Ryan Bizzarro (D-Inc)

First, we need to continue to work to get the Fairness Act to the Governor's desk, fair and equal treatment under the law is not just the minimum of guaranteed rights to our citizens, but the minimum to attract and retain the employees and businesses we need to ensure a stable future for our commonwealth. Second, we need to ban conversion therapy and any other attacks on the intrinsic right of LGBTQ people to live and express themselves, no one should have to justify their existence or be forced to try and change who they are.

In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

Ryan Bizzarro (D-Inc)

Absolutely, in the wake of the fall of Roe v. Wade I have hosted five hearings on reproductive healthcare access issues as well as three hearings on prenatal care and inclusivity. We have to talk about these issues and destigmatize the language around healthcare to ensure not just access but also that our laws support those healthcare workers as they do their jobs

What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

Ryan Bizzarro (D-Inc)

I am a fighter, I have a long track record of legislative accomplishments and I'm proud of that. We have only had one year in the majority and yet have made more progress on LGBTQ issues than in the previous 20 years and yet there is still more work to do. With your help, we will continue to fight for inclusion, equity, and making PA a safe place for all.


PA State House District 4

Not Responding: Jacob Banta (R-Inc)

We, as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Asexual individuals experience discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. What action, as an elected official, would you take to reduce this in our community?

Joseph Cancilla (D)

To support LGBTQ+ against discrimination in employment housing and public accommodations I will introduce, support, and defend legislation that protects the LGBTQ+ community by making sure our rights are protected in labor laws, equality laws, and fight to make sure there is no wage gap. I will work with my peers in Harrisburg and fight for LGBTQ+ rights. In addition, I will be an advocate by using my voice and influence in the House of Representatives by speaking with US Congress members to make sure we are also protected at the Federal level. We as elected officials must make sure the employment laws and housing laws have the language in there to protect and represent everyone. That is why it is crucial to know who is running for office not just in your district but neighboring districts to make sure we are electing the right candidates. If I win, we will have strong Democrat hold in our region. We cannot let Jake Banta win again with his views and vague answers shown in the November 2022 issue of Erie Gay News.

What actions can you take for protecting the rights and safety of LGBTQ youth, especially our transgender youth?

Joseph Cancilla (D)

As your next State Representative, I will support/introduce legislation that protects our LGBTQ+ youth, holds public schools accountable by making sure we have high quality education and safe schools for all students. Also, we must look at guidance counselors and mental health more in today's age in our schools. Students need those resources more than ever to make sure they have someone to talk to, ask questions, and lean on. I will fight to make sure our schools are appropriately funded for not only teachers, but all support staff-including guidance counselors and mental health resources.

In terms of healthcare, how will you work to improve and expand access with focus on affordability and inclusivity? For example, gender affirming healthcare for transgender individuals?

Joseph Cancilla (D)

Insurance companies must be accountable for everyone. As a State Representative it is my job to make sure that happens. Healthcare should be available and accessible to everyone, and we must make sure LGBTQ+ rights are protected. I will always admit when I don't know something or have the answer. Therefore, I will surround myself with, work with, and seek out solutions with people that do.

What is one thing we should know about you as relating to the LGBTQ community?

Joseph Cancilla (D)

As a bi-sexual person I have the unique insights on the challenges of the LGBTQ+ community and I will always advocate on our behalf. As your next State Representative, you can be assured you have a voice in Harrisburg.

PA State House District 6

Not Responding: Michael Charles Walker (D), Brad Roae (R-Inc)

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