Intersex: Representing the I in LGBTQIA+

by Emily Manino

For the past 27 years the United States marks Intersex Awareness Day by promoting respect and dignity for intersex people. This year on October 26th, Intersex Awareness Day will continue to raise awareness about the challenges intersex individuals face. InterAct, an organization advocating for the rights of children born with intersex traits, states roughly 1.7% of people are born intersex, some intersex traits are noticed at birth, and most surgeries to change intersex traits happen in infancy. May Intersex Awareness Day educate the public, medical professionals, and policymakers about the importance of respecting intersex people's bodily autonomy and human rights. Most importantly, may Intersex Awareness Day bring support and solidarity to the intersex community by letting them know they are not alone, and their experiences are valid.

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