Jamestown Pride Highlights LGBTQIA+ Voices at Coffeehouse Event

Seventy people attended Jamestown Pride's annual Fall event, the "J-Pride Coffeehouse," at the Robert H. Jackson Center on Friday, October 15th. Planned in collaboration with the Robert H. Jackson Center and the Fenton History Center, the event focused on the struggles, stories, and successes of the Queer community in Chautauqua County.

Attendees shared their stories which were filmed with permission to become part of the Fenton History Center's LGBTQ+ archives.

Local businesses and donors provided door prizes to raise funds for the 2022 Jamestown Pride Festival including:

The evening also included entertainment by choreographer Anthony Alterio, musician Cindy Love, and poet Micki Lovem. Labyrinth Press Company provided coffee and snacks.

Programming & Events co-chairs Rudi Andalora and Emily Van Wey coordinated the event with Andalora saying, "Your stories continue to fill us up with more love. One of the greatest messages I'm getting from tonight is to completely surround yourself with that love and support, not just when you have to."

Jamestown Pride Coordinator Sheridan Smith added, "I couldn't be happier with the turnout. We saw the community come together in a way we don't often get to, with the beauty of that love and support on full display! The events committee did an amazing job!"

Learn more about future Jamestown Pride activities by emailing JamestownPride@MHAchautauqua.org or like www.facebook.com/JamestownPride


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