National Coming Out Day Celebrated in Jamestown NY

from Jamestown Pride

Jamestown Pride celebrated National Coming Out Day with two virtual events on October 11th including a Pride Flag Raising and an LBGTQIA+ community stories event.

Mayor Eddie Sundquist hosted the Pride Flag raising ceremony with Jamestown Pride on Tracy Plaza at the Jamestown Municipal Building. It was the first time the Pride flag had been raised at City Hall. While some members of the public were in attendance, the ceremony was streamed both on the City of Jamestown and Mental Health Association of Chautauqua County's Facebook pages.

A second virtual event was held at the Robert H. Jackson Center where local members of the LGBTQIA+ community shared their stories about themselves with Moderator Steven Cobb. The presentation will be shared with the Fenton History Center for an exhibit being compiled on the history about Chautauqua County's LGBTQIA+ community. The exhibit is anticipated to open in early 2021.

Those who want to contribute to the exhibit may find the link to submit at or they can reach out to For those interested in being added to the Jamestown Pride email list about future events, contact

Sponsors for the National Coming Out Day event included Jamestown Pride, the Mental Health Association of Chautauqua County, the Fenton History Center, Robert H. Jackson Center, and Prevention Works/Hope Chautauqua.


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