Caitlin Coleman stars in "Sons and Lovers," the new comedy by Donna Hoke at Buffalo United Artists Sep 15-30

Sons & Lovers is a brand new comedy by Donna Hoke and will run at Buffalo United Artists' Main Street Cabaret at Alleyway Theatre, 1 Curtain Up Alley, Buffalo NY Setpember 15-30. The play is directed by Todd Fuller, and stars Caitlin Baeumler Coleman, Steve Brachmann, A. Peter Snodgrass and Dave Granville. As long as Ellen doesn't openly acknowledge that husband Butch is a cheater or son Bill is gay, they're just... not. As long as Bill doesn't introduce Marq to his mother, he can avoid commitment. It takes fantasy, farce, and one fabulous makeover before the truth flies free, and mother and son discover just how much they have in common. BUA Members receive 2-4-1 on September 16, 22, and 23. No discounts or specials on September 15 Curtain Up! performance. Tickets are $25.00 general admission - $23.00 for seniors, $20.00 for members - $15.00 for students.Reserve by e-mail to

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