Trump Administration Must Maintain Commitment to LGBTIQ People

(11 November 2016) OutRight Action International, the global Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer (LGBTIQ) human rights organization, calls on the upcoming Trump administration to maintain important policies and programs introduced by the Obama administration to safeguard the human rights of LGBTIQ people everywhere.

"The US must continue to recognize that LGBTIQ rights are human rights. We cannot allow this progress to be reversed during the Trump administration," states Jessica Stern, Executive Director, OutRight Action International.

Over the last eight years, the United States has initiated unprecedented commitment to promote the human rights of LGBTIQ people, by issuing:

These actions have advanced the promotion and protection of the human rights and civil liberties of LGBTIQ people internationally.

OutRight Action International, formerly the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission was founded in 1990 during the George H. W. Bush administration. The organization has worked effectively in exceedingly conservative governments around the world.

"We know the value of organizing, taking on the fight, and growing an inclusive movement that promotes those who support human rights for everyone. We are stronger today than we have ever been before and are committed to growing the global movement for LGBTIQ rights as we all move forward," concluded Stern.

President-elect Donald Trump will be inaugurated in Washington, D.C, on 20 January 2017.

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