Yellow Brick Roads LGBTQ+ Allies Organization (3 Articles with 3,456 total views)

Cultivate affirmative, non-judgmental spaces for cis-gendered loved ones as they walk through their process of "coming out" as Allies of the LBGTQIA+ community. We will help them to explore and develop their LGBTQIA+ allyship through opportunities for education, discussion, community & political engagement.

February, 2024

Yellow Brick Roads Karaoke Night

Yellow Brick Roads Karaoke Night
Yellow Brick Roads [YBR] visited the Bizzaro's Ringside Restaurant, 3202 Sterrettania Road, Erie, PA, on Saturday, January 20, to enjoy some delicious food and Karaoke. A group of brave souls navigated through the snow and cold weather to attend the event. The Karaoke and dancing were the highlight of the evening.

December, 2023

Yellow Brick Roads Holds First "I Celebrate With Pride" Event

Yellow Brick Roads Holds First
The Yellow Brick Roads LGBTQ+ Ally Organization, aka "YBR," held its inaugural "I Celebrate with Pride" event at the Bullfrog Bar, 3864 Peach St, Erie, PA, on November 17, 2023. The event gave individuals from the LGBTQ+ community and their supporters/allies the opportunity to mix and mingle. It was an evening filled with good food, drinks, dancing, and great people. We are already working on plans to organize other adult events across the city, and my son, Jalon Howard, is planning a youth event soon.

July, 2023

Yellow Brick Roads LGBTQIA+ Ally Organization Forms to Offer Support

Yellow Brick Roads LGBTQIA+ Ally Organization Forms to Offer Support
Raising 2 LGBTQIA+ children was a challenge as we struggled to solidify our own marriage and simultaneously meet the individual needs of our other children. There are a million unanswered questions and lessons to be learned and unlearned. The "Yellow Brick Roads LGBTQIA+ Ally Organization" was created to assist parents, family, and friends of LGBTQIA+ individuals with information to help them better understand and support their loved ones.

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