Breaking Glass Pictures (1 Articles with 1,435 total views)

Founded in 2009, Breaking Glass Pictures ( is a film distribution and media company that focuses on releasing unique and visionary independent films, inclusive of all genres, from around the world. In addition to theatrical, DVD, digital, and Video-on-Demand releases in North America, Breaking Glass functions as an international sales agent in all film markets, as well as a production company dedicated to creating compelling independent cinema. Breaking Glass also facilitates festival, theatrical, and special event bookings, and offers a full-service marketing team (marketing strategy, artwork and trailer creation, PR, social media) to independent filmmakers.

May, 2022

Tender-Hearted Elderly Trans Drama "Strictly for the Birds" Arrives April 26 from Breaking Glass Pictures

Tender-Hearted Elderly Trans Drama
Breaking Glass Pictures is proud to announce the release of STRICTLY FOR THE BIRDS - an intimate, endearing look at the life of one woman, finally claiming her identity and finding love at the tender age of 65.

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