American Psychological Association (5 Articles with 4,475 total views)

The American Psychological Association is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. With more than 121,000 members, APA advances psychological science to promote health, education and human welfare.

September, 2023

APA gratified that Florida Dept. of Education will allow teaching of full AP Psychology course

APA gratified that Florida Dept. of Education will allow teaching of full AP Psychology course
WASHINGTON - August 5, 2023 - Following is a statement by Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, CEO of the American Psychological Association, in response to the decision by the Florida Department of Education allowing high school Advanced Placement Psychology to be taught "in its entirety."

July, 2023

APA supports College Board's refusal to delete sexual orientation, gender identity content from Florida's high school AP Psychology curriculum and test

APA supports College Board's refusal to delete sexual orientation, gender identity content from Florida's high school AP Psychology curriculum and test
WASHINGTON - The American Psychological Association has voiced unqualified support for the College Board's refusal to accede to a demand by Florida to delete content regarding sexual orientation and gender identity from its curriculum in Advanced Placement Psychology and the AP Psychology Exam.

July, 2021

APA dismayed by SCOTUS ruling exempting religion-affiliated agency from adhering to anti-discrimination law

APA dismayed by SCOTUS ruling exempting religion-affiliated agency from adhering to anti-discrimination law
WASHINGTON - The American Psychological Association expressed disappointment in a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that a Catholic foster-care agency is exempt from complying with a law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Exposure to Homophobic Attitudes Linked to Higher Stress Levels Among Sexual Minorities

Exposure to Homophobic Attitudes Linked to Higher Stress Levels Among Sexual Minorities
WASHINGTON - Lesbian, gay and bisexual people who encounter homophobic attitudes experience increases in heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormones, potentially putting them at risk for multiple health problems, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

December, 2020

APA criticizes appeals court ruling overturning local ban on so-called conversion therapy

APA criticizes appeals court ruling overturning local ban on so-called conversion therapy
WASHINGTON - The American Psychological Association voiced grave concern regarding the rationale used by a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in overturning two local Florida ordinances intended to protect minors from potentially harmful efforts by licensed mental health providers to change their sexual orientation.

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