ICYMI: 38% of Transgender Youth Living in States That Have Enacted Bans on Care, Study Shows

New Data from UCLA's Williams Institute Underscores Devastating Reality for LGBTQ+ Youth Navigating MAGA Assaults on Community

WASHINGTON- This month, UCLA's Williams Institute released its 2024 report on the impact of anti-transgender legislation on youth. The results are jaw-dropping, with an overwhelming majority of transgender young people currently grappling with hostile political environments and hundreds of thousands of youth contending with restricted access to health care and restrooms, bans on participating in sports, and state-sanctioned misgendering.

Notably, New Hampshire and South Carolina are currently the only states without a ban on health care for transgender people that have a Republican "trifecta" (control of the governorship and both chambers of the legislature) in power.. Both states have proposed and are considering restrictions to care for transgender youth this year, with South Carolina's bill expected to receive a vote in the House next week.

"This data underscores the extent to which MAGA politicians seek to control the lives of trangender youth who just want to be valued and accepted for who they are,"e ," said Human Rights Campaign Director, Public Education and Research Shoshana Goldberg. "Behind these numbers are people - youth - who are having their livelihoods upended by craven political operatives who see them only as fodder for their far right base. Every one of us deserves to be seen, valued, and given every opportunity to succeed. LGBTQ+ young people should be able to see a doctor, kick a soccer ball, and be respected in the classroom without a politician standing between them and the chance to thrive."


Access to Gender-Affirming Health Care


Freedom to Participate in Sports

Conversion Therapy

The Human Rights Campaign is America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.

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