People Living With HIV (PLHIV) - Fair Pay & Treatment Survey

Prevention Access Campaign (PAC) is working on a national survey to better understand the experiences of people living with HIV (PLHIV) when they are hired for their services, more specifically speaking events, social marketing campaigns, organizational marketing, fundraising, advisory roles, and subject expert roles in the U.S. This project is led by PAC's Global Team and will serve as a template to share with PLHIV organizations in other countries. They will collect the feedback anonymously with the project goal to co-create standards and guidelines with other leaders in the field to ensure that all PLHIV are compensated fairly and receive fair treatment for their work and contributions. This project aims to provide support and guidance to PLHIV and the organizations who seek their services. Participants can elect to receive a $20 USD gift card for their time and experience in completing this online survey.

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