More Work to be Done at Penncrest
by Nerissa Galt
PENNCREST School Board meetings resumed in their typical location Tuesday, July 6. The school board had yet to address the recent anti-LGBTQIA+ comments made by board member David Valesky on social media. Still, it was standing room only as supporters of PENNCREST’s queer youth and of Valesky filled the room.
The Tuesday work session progressed as usual until the call for new business. Then board member Bob Johnston proposed a resolution to ban Critical Race Theory. Board member Jeff Brooks voiced his opposition stating, the curriculum had already been approved. Several argued with Brooks stating they believe CRT is anti-Christian, anti-white, and a socialist ploy they felt the board had a responsibility to stop before it became an issue. The meeting ended with an acknowledgment that more information was needed, but the resolution would be voted on at the next meeting.
At the meeting, five spoke in support of PENNCREST students still hoping the board would acknowledge the elephant in the room. Most of the meeting was spent discussing the CRT resolution which the board eventually voted to table until the public could respond.
In closing, several board members spoke of the bullying that had been one focus of the public’s statements, while others directly addressed the anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric amongst other board members. Valesky himself stood by his statements, stating he’d already made himself clear. The last board member to speak, Luigi Defrancesco, went on a rambling tirade decrying the existence of any discrimination against marginalized groups.
In essence, the takeaway from PENNCREST’s allies and LGBTQIA+ community is this: there is much more work to be done.