No Such Thing as Just Emotional Abuse

from SafeNet Erie

Have you ever walked on eggshells? Probably not literally, but when you hear the expression "walking on eggshells," you know exactly what it means. In an intimate relationship, walking on eggshells is that feeling you get when you must choose your words carefully, worry about giving offense, or keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself for fear of angering your partner.

Many people think that as long as they haven't been physically attacked by their partner, they are not the victim of intimate partner violence. But survivors of relationship violence often say the slaps and bruises don't hurt as much or last as long as the scars of emotional despair. The perpetrator who thrives on power and control will barrage their partner with constant put-downs, name-calling, and mind games. They make their partner feel worthless and guilty. They question their partner's "real" sexual desires and identity. They may reinforce internalized homophobia, biphobia, or transphobia. Then they dismiss their partner's hurt feelings because, after all, it was just an argument. They were just words.

This is emotional abuse, and there is nothing just about it. There is no such thing as just emotional abuse.

If you feel anxious or numb because you live under relentless emotional attack, call SafeNet at 455-1774 and ask to speak with a counselor. If the need to talk strikes in the middle of the night, you can call SafeNet's hotline at 454-8161. All services are free and confidential.

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