Drive Your Pride on June 28
Leslie Ford shares her experience at the Drive Your Pride event held at Presque Isle on June 28. Photos are by Dave Schroeder and Will Vitanyi.
Participants gathered in the Tom Ridge Center parking lot, decorated cars, lined up, then drove all the way around the peninsula. We counted 28 cars, approximately 80-100 people. Each car had at least two people, most had three or four.
My main takeaway was how wonderful it was to bring Pride to people who might never have seen a Pride parade, and with that, the hope that we may have brought to some teen who felt alone, or unseen, or hopeless. Most people honked and waved, and I saw more smiles than anything else. People seemed delighted by the whole thing.
Afterwards, most participants returned to Tom Ridge Center to "de-gay" their vehicles.
I only saw two negative reactions. One was a surrey packed with six young men (probably teens) who shouted "Trump 2020!" And as we were driving up Peninsula Drive (right by Sheetz), some person gave the Nazi salute out a car window, several times. At this point my car was still decorated, and I had intended to drive home like that. Being Jewish, my kids were instantly terrified, so we looped back around to Tom Ridge Center and undecorated the car.
Tea Time with Drag Queens at Andora's Bubble Tea on July 29
Some "Karen" sent a letter to the wonderful people at Andora's Bubble Shop, 516 State St, Erie PA. as to why she and her (large) family and (large) group of friends will no longer continue their business there, because they decided to display a Rainbow Flag. "Karen" made the mistake of praying that the LGBTQIA+ community is not big enough to support local businesses. So join us for Tea TIme with Drag Queens on Wednesday, July 29 from 1 to 6:30 PM at Andora's Bubble Tea Shop and let's show her that LOVE IS LOVE, and yes we are a LARGE and SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY. This is also an EXCELLENT opportunity to see your FAVORITE LOCAL QUEENS and sip some amazing bubble tea and show your support. Join your favorites like Debbie, Pissi Gabune, Priscilla Godzilla, Rebecca Mae and Alysin Wonderland. We humbly ask for a donation to take pictures with the queens, to which will be donated on behalf of Andora's Bubble to NWPA Pride Alliance. The mask mandate is still in effect, so you will still be required to wear a mask upon entering to place your order, and we still need to respect social distancing outside. Wear your mask, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!
SafeNet Survey - Win a Gift Card!
Would you like to participate in a short survey and have a chance to win a gift card?
SafeNet is looking for local input on healthcare and intimate partner violence services. The agency first offered the survey during Pride and will continue accepting responses through August 10.
Please take a few minutes to share your opinions. All responses are confidential and will be used to improve SafeNet's awareness, education, and training efforts.
To access the survey, go to
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