by Gary Snyder, HIV Disease Intervention Specialist at the Erie County Department of Health

Here we are amid the COVID-19 Pandemic with how we interact having vastly changed. But what about our hookup behaviors? Well, that gets a little tricky now doesn't it. For MSMs [Men having Sex with Men], physical interactions provide many benefits; chief of which is stress release. Sex gives us a rush of hormones. Testosterone increases libido while norepinephrine keeps us alert. Dopamine boosts energy with feelings of desire, motivation, and pleasure. And then we have oxytocin [aka the cuddle hormone] which floods our bodies in significant quantities making us feel close to others, thereby promoting affection.

But when we're keeping physically distant to reduce/stop the spread of COVID-19, we also decrease these hormones by having less sex. So, it's no surprise that MSM are struggling because of a lack of connection physically. While video recordings/calls can help us stay in touch with each other, they don't exactly give us an outlet for frustration. They also do not meet our human touch 'needs', even if it is for a brief 10 to 20 minutes. No shade here, but I'm referring to the MSM among us who have an understandable goal of an orgasm, not necessarily making love.

And yes, this means the struggle is real because MSMs are starving for connection. Yet we have a responsibility to not spread COVID-19 to the vulnerable in our communities. Here's a quick list of options to peruse for some 'fun' while staying apart. First, HSPs are enjoyably safe! Household Sex Partners that are not ill are tops on the list. Use good hygiene (handwashing, mouthwash, showering) and look no further than the one(s) you live with today. Next up, Digital Playland incorporates old and new adventures. Old School = Phone Sex while New School = Sexting. Old School = Print Porn uploaded alongside New School = XXX Selfies that Turn You On and Others. Old School = Chat Rooms now integrated into New School = Live Stream Cam Sites. And let's not forget one the longest surviving methods in humanity, masturbating. Be solo, with toys, even HSPs, our bodies are a wonderland so go exploring to see what new things turn you on! [Thanks to the San Diego LGBT Community Center for ideas and concepts incorporated into this article.]

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