Transgender Day of Remembrance: Pittsburgh on November 20

In Tradition with Transgender Day of Remembrance SisTers PGH will be organizing TDOR in partnership with the Lgbtqia+ Advisory Council of Pittsburgh to celebrate the lives of those transgender people weve lost over the years, those that trailblazed through life living unappolegetically and honorably! Transgender Day of Remembrance: Pittsburgh will be held on Wednesday, November 20 from 7-9 PM at the Pittsburgh City-County Building, 414 Grant Street, Pittsburgh PA.

As Pittsburgh's leading black transLED nonprofit organization we are honored to lead this movement of remembarance as we know personally how hard it has been losing our trans communities of color around the country and even recently Pittsburgh.

National Trans March On DC, was a historic and powerful recharger for our trans communities around the country, including Pittsburgh! SisTers PGH was able to transport our trans communities of Pittsburgh to DC to join the footsteps of trans, nonbinary and allie soldiers in defense of protecting our lives! The Equality Act is a MUST!

Unfortunately, upon our return back to Pittsburgh we were informed a black trans woman was murdered in Pittsburgh and there's no conversation being held, there's no coverage around it at all, there's no panels, there's no marches, theres no outrage and black tranwomen are still being demonized and mistreated in Pittsburgh

We are having conversations about everything else that is happening concerning protecting black tranwomen and our black trans sister who was murdered in Pittsburgh goes by like nothing happened!!! We need Justice for Elisha !!!! This beautiful human being was taken too early and there's justice to had!



After SisTers PGH shared the news, Elisha's story got local and National Coverage

The authorities have begun an investigation

We will honor Elisha Stanley during Trans Day Of Remembrance!

We invite those locally and country wide to join us for Trans Day Of Remembrance

Thank you Pittsburgh and visitors for your support and dedication to our trans communities country wide!!justice system, and many others.

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