Voters Guide for Erie County Council & Erie City Council Races in Municipal Primary Election on May 21

compiled by Michael Mahler

Candidates for Erie County Counci, and Erie City Council were asked about their positions on GLBT issues. Their responses appear below. Please remember to vote on May 21! Polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM.

There were the question asked for both races:

1. The Human Rights Campaign 's (HRC) Municipal Equality Index (MEI) at Erie at 0 points for 1) transgender-inclusive benefits & 2) domestic partner benefits for city/county employees. What strategies would you use to address these two items?

2. How would you assure that Erie implements city/county contractor non-discrimination policies?

3. To what extent have you participated in LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training? (For the purposes of this question, such training is defined as follows: "Training in the preferred language & terminology, group-specific concerns, opportunities for inclusion & engagement, & general aspirations of LGBTQIA+ community.") What types of training would you recommend for 1) city staff & 2) council members?

4. What strategies would you use to include and engage LGBTQIA+ organizations & community members in developing policy and legislation?


Not Responding:  Charles Foht (R)

1. The Human Rights Campaign 's (HRC) Municipal Equality Index (MEI) at Erie at 0 points for 1) transgender-inclusive benefits & 2) domestic partner benefits for city/county employees. What strategies would you use to address these two items?

Kim Clear (D)

As an ally, I have worked as the advisor of the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) at McDowell High School working to educate students and create awareness of the LGBTQ+ community needs and rights. We advocate and advertise a school-wide education effort for GLSEN's National Day of Silence. To address the items of transgender inclusive benefits and domestic partner benefits I would work with the Human Resources Department of Erie County to reassess their benefit policies. I would provide information and education on how to create a gender affirming environment and the benefits to inclusive LGBTQ+ policies.

Veronica Rexford (D)

  1. Part 1: According their HR department, the Erie County's health plan options cover transgender-inclusive coverage, including gender reassignment surgery. Part 2: The state of Pennsylvania does not currently recognize domestic partnerships, although the City of Philadelphia has opted to include domestic partnership benefits for city employees. If elected, I would ask that the county explore the option of domestic partner benefits using the Philadelphia model as a basis.


Terry Scutella (D)

Start by getting all parties together to find common ground and develope strong policies to have fairness for all.

2. How would you assure that Erie implements city/county contractor non-discrimination policies?

Kim Clear (D)

The Erie County Council, being the Legislative body of Erie County, works to ensure that Ordinance 45, 2018 is upheld throughout Erie County. To better educate constituents on the non-discriminatitory policies in Ordinance 45, 2018, a Town Hall could be arranged which would further explain the rights of citizens in Erie County.

Veronica Rexford (D)

  1. Erie County's existing anti-discrimination policy does not expressly address contractors; I support and if elected, will seek to add non-discrimination language to cover contractors.

Terry Scutella (D)

To wrk with fellow colleagues to enable this to happen.

3. To what extent have you participated in LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training? (For the purposes of this question, such training is defined as follows: "Training in the preferred language & terminology, group-specific concerns, opportunities for inclusion & engagement, & general aspirations of LGBTQIA+ community.") What types of training would you recommend for 1) city staff & 2) council members?

Kim Clear (D)

If elected to Erie County Council, I would work to educate both businesses and the community on creating workplace equality, supportive LGBTQ+ environments, and non-discriminatory policies. Training and education sessions could be instituted as in-service training hours on cultural awareness, tolerance expectations, and acceptance procedures. Education is key to breaking down the walls of discrimination.

Veronica Rexford (D)

I have not participated in formal cultural competency training, but am I am a student of cultural responsiveness across populations in my community development work. I believe employees of a public taxing body should be trained in cultural competency and responsiveness to meet the needs of all of the communities they serve. The county's human resources staff should be given comprehensive cultural competency training, preferably by local LGBTQIA professionals. The HR staff then should train all new employees, including council members, when they are hired/elected. When implemented, Erie County can share this training with the Pennsylvania Association of Councils of Governments (PACOG).

Terry Scutella (D)

When I was employed I did have sensitivity classes. I believe employees and elected officials should have more in-depth training.

4. What strategies would you use to include and engage LGBTQIA+ organizations & community members in developing policy and legislation?

Kim Clear (D)

There are two places where the LGBTQIA+ community members and organizations could be included in policy and legislation:
1.) Ordinances 2.) Human Services money allocation.
It would be in these two places that policy and legislation suggestions could be made to benefit the LGBTQIA+ community. How to include and engage these people and organizations is the challenge. However, I believe that through an active social media campaign as well as utilizing the media releases to local papers and television stations, there could be opportunities for regular Town Hall meetings where constituents could have a say in the issues they would like to see tackled in Erie County. With the input from others, long-term plans could be developed by subcommittees on how to implement policy and legislation.

Veronica Rexford (D)

Erie County should have a formal LGBTQIA advisory board. I support the creation of such a board of community members and organizations across the county. The board could then formally bring issues to the County Executive and County Council for action.

Terry Scutella (D)

To take a leadership role if need be to try to get all parties working toward setting up policies that benefit all people in the community.

Please note: Although he did not provide answers to the questions, we received the following response:

Robert Yates (R)

Thank you for respectfully asking my input on these issues. If elected to Erie County Council, I would certainly be open and accessible to all citizens of Erie county and all points of view. In my organizational experience over the years, I have worked well with people of all ages. I certainly do not favor discrimination of any kind by our local governments and would not vote for any legislation that contained discriminatory language or restricted individual rights and liberties for anyone. I would advocate for the elimination of bias in all forms. Anyone would be welcome to contact me and I would have an open mind and an open heart for anyone who wants to speak with me on serious matters, whether they voted for me or not.


Not Responding: Fiore Leone (D-Incumbent)

1. The Human Rights Campaign 's (HRC) Municipal Equality Index (MEI) at Erie at 0 points for 1) transgender-inclusive benefits & 2) domestic partner benefits for city/county employees. What strategies would you use to address these two items?

Mary Rennie (D)

Both of these items in the MEI look to be specifically directed to the City of Erie, which is outside the jurisdiction of Erie County Council. Moreoever, the County rates quite well on the overall MEI, with broad legislation for nondiscrimination regarding Housing, Employment and Public Accommodations.

Freda Tepfer (D)

a) transgender-inclusive benefits
Below is the response I received from an inquiry I made to the County. I had previously ascertained that Medicare covers benefits for Transgender Health Care that is Medically Necessary. It is an involved process to qualify for this benefit for Medicare as I suspect it is for other carriers. Generally the employee or covered individual would be required to operate with a diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria.
"Yes, both plans cover gender reassignment surgery as long as the patient meets the medical criteria listed on the carrier 's medical policy. If you have employees interested in the service. This benefit grids usually just list basic services and benefits. This benefit would not be located on the benefit grid.  "
If the County does not currently have an LGBTQ task force, there should be one. I do not believe there is one. I would advocate for the creation of one. See explanation of advocacy below.
b)  Domestic partner benefits for city/county employees. What strategies would you use to address these two items?
I was informed that Domestic Partner benefits have not been offered since the legal obstacles to recognizing same sex marriage was removed. Domestic Partner benefits apply well beyond the LGBTQ community. This is a larger issue with financial implications that could be addressed by the Personnel Committee of the County Council. Domestic Partner benefits may provide an avenue to bring more uncovered individuals under the umbrella of having coverage.

2. How would you assure that Erie implements city/county contractor non-discrimination policies?

Mary Rennie (D)

Again, I believe the County legislation against non-discrimination already covers this for the entire County. It seems to me that compliance with laws would be handled on a case by case basis, on an as-needed basis.

Freda Tepfer (D)

All contracts for goods and services should contain language that includes nondiscrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The purchasing code should be amended to include LQTQIA+ populations in protected classes. Protected classes should consistently include sexual identity as it is currently inconsistently included in county code. The Human Relations Ordinance currently inconsistently includes gender orientation in some provisions but not others. I would advocate for these changes. When I say advocate that means I would educate myself about the existing situations, avenues for change, collaborate with other council members and the executive to get the change made. I would seek the involvement of the community that would benefit from the change.   

3. To what extent have you participated in LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training? (For the purposes of this question, such training is defined as follows: "Training in the preferred language & terminology, group-specific concerns, opportunities for inclusion & engagement, & general aspirations of LGBTQIA+ community.") What types of training would you recommend for 1) city staff & 2) council members?

Mary Rennie (D)

I have not participated in specific LGBTQIA training. CE credit hours were required by the PA Dept of Education as part of my previous job with the County, (Library) and I did take sensitivity training covering other groups. Training would be fall under HR, and I would be willing to discuss it with the Erie County HR Director and the County Executive, if I am elected to this position. Annual CE requirements however, vary by department according to PA State guidelines and/or mandates, and are again not applicable in this case.

Freda Tepfer (D)

As a retired person I have not been part of any organization that provides access to LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training. I have studied that background information about the trainings that are offered and the topics covered. I would like to be able to obtain the training and perform the actions first at the Ally and then the Champion level. The county at present does not but should add onboard period training to all new employees in LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training. Only the Health Department currently provides this training to employees.  Any department handling its own training should also add it. This could be proposed through the Council Personnel Committee. Budget support for this training would have to be added. The support of the executive would be needed. Council members should be included in this training. The National LGBTQ Cancer Care Network offers training or access to training. Ideally local members of the LGBTQ community could help to offer the training.  Some topics covered include modes of address, preferred terminology (pronouns etc), what information is appropriate to request and in what format. As an M ED in Adult Education I have an extensive background in the rationale behind the appropriate delivery mode of these trainings. 
The County should set a goal to qualify as a Champion in Cultural Competency in LGBTQIA+.

4. What strategies would you use to include and engage LGBTQIA+ organizations & community members in developing policy and legislation?

Mary Rennie (D)

My opinion is that legislation guaranteeing rights/ non-discrimination are better enacted as broadly as possible, i.e. on a federal or state level wherever possible. In the absence of that, local or regional legislation should be broad inclusive in guaranteeing human rights while prohibiting discriminatory behaviors. I woiuld insitute an open door policy, in terms of my own accessibility to the LGBTQIA organizational members, however I have no specific agenda for developing additional specific policies and/or legislation at this time.

Freda Tepfer (D)

County code should be amended to insure that sexual identity is consistently included as a protected class. Currently it is inconsistently included. While it is commendable that certain county departments interact with prominent LGBTQIA+ organizations in the community, a unified LQBTGIA+ task force would provide a single location for unaffiliated and affiliated LGBTQIA+ community members to interact with county government. Such a group could receive complaints related to county departments, be made aware of needed improvements, work on proposed advocacy and legislation, promote cultural competency training etc. The courts, sheriff 's department, corrections, Human Services and its divisions, and other county departments should regularly be included in meetings with the task force.  Council members should have liaison appointments to the taskforce. Membership should be by Council member and Executive appointment after public solicitation of applications. I would advocate for the establishment of such a task force.    


Not Responding: Kyle Foust (D-Incumbent), Joseph Cancilla (R), Brian Shank (R)

1. The Human Rights Campaign 's (HRC) Municipal Equality Index (MEI) at Erie at 0 points for 1) transgender-inclusive benefits & 2) domestic partner benefits for city/county employees. What strategies would you use to address these two items?

2. How would you assure that Erie implements city/county contractor non-discrimination policies?

3. To what extent have you participated in LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training? (For the purposes of this question, such training is defined as follows: "Training in the preferred language & terminology, group-specific concerns, opportunities for inclusion & engagement, & general aspirations of LGBTQIA+ community.") What types of training would you recommend for 1) city staff & 2) council members?

4. What strategies would you use to include and engage LGBTQIA+ organizations & community members in developing policy and legislation?


Not Responding: Rita Bishop (D), Ellen Schauerman (R), Frederick Wienecke (R)

1. The Human Rights Campaign 's (HRC) Municipal Equality Index (MEI) at Erie at 0 points for 1) transgender-inclusive benefits & 2) domestic partner benefits for city/county employees. What strategies would you use to address these two items?

William Driver (D)

Regarding Transgender-inclusive benefits, I would investigate the county 's insurance policies and seek to ensure that insurers cover all medically necessary treatments for transgender individuals.
Regarding domestic partner benefits, a spouse is a spouse regardless of sexual orientation, and I would seek to ensure that spouses receive all of the benefits that they are entitled to through this legal status.

Clayton Schulze (R)

I do not understand your question or the problem, Since every one is supported to be equal to our loaws and responsible for their actions as stated in the law of our land which is the constitution. I believe that it is the second most important document ever written by man because it sets a perfect example of ethics and principals and protects your freedom and mine.

2. How would you assure that Erie implements city/county contractor non-discrimination policies?

William Driver (D)

I would assure that Erie implements such policies for its contractors by widely publicizing the existence of the Erie County Human Relations Commission which is tasked with investigating and remediating violations of the right to obtain employment for which one is qualified, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. In addition, I would provide assistance to constituents seeking to file complaints with the Commission, in order to ensure a speedy and fair consideration of their case.

Clayton Schulze (R)

See answer to question No 1.

3. To what extent have you participated in LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training? (For the purposes of this question, such training is defined as follows: "Training in the preferred language & terminology, group-specific concerns, opportunities for inclusion & engagement, & general aspirations of LGBTQIA+ community.") What types of training would you recommend for 1) city staff & 2) council members?

William Driver (D)

While I have not participated in any formal training in this area, I believe that every member of the county staff and council member should receive training in how to avoid discriminatory behavior on every basis to ensure that they can effectively and fairly serve all people of the county.

Clayton Schulze (R)

See answer to question No 1.

4. What strategies would you use to include and engage LGBTQIA+ organizations & community members in developing policy and legislation?

William Driver (D)

I would seek to maintain a policy of openness and responsiveness to the people that I serve. People are the most likely to be engaged and contribute to the political process when they feel like they are being listened to and given a fair shake. Every member of the community will be more than welcome to get in touch with me, and I will make an effort to personally respond and address their concerns promptly. 

I appreciate this opportunity to engage with the community, if you have further questions feel free to contact me.

Clayton Schulze (R)

See answer to question No 1.

Please note: Although he did not provide answers to the questions, we received the following response:

Jason Gibbs (R)

I don't think I know enough about these issues yet to create a proper response.  I would be interested to hear about the issues the community is facing and where the inequities are now. Thanks for writing to me.

Erie City Council

Not Responding: Ed Brzezinski (D), Tony Ratliff (D), Melvin Witherspoon (D-Incumbent)

1. The Human Rights Campaign 's (HRC) Municipal Equality Index (MEI) at Erie at 0 points for 1) transgender-inclusive benefits & 2) domestic partner benefits for city/county employees. What strategies would you use to address these two items?

Vanessa Belen (D)

Educate local government on the stigma of LGBTQIA+ of transgender and domestic partner benefits. Research the policies of some of the nations most respected corporations ie. Microsoft, Levi Strauss, IBM, Walt Disney, Bank of America Corp and that 's just to name a few, who offer or plan to offer health benefits.

Ed Brzezinski (D)

I thought the supreme court had decided that with the Grego suit. Making the public fully aware of the obstacles faced could go a long way to better cures.

Jasmine Flores (D)

It’s truly an embarrassment that Erie received a score of 0 not once, but twice. Strategies I would use to help address the scorecard scores would include reaching out to groups already established in Erie and are already working towards fixing this scorecard. Groups like this would include GEAE and the mayor’s LGBTQIA Advisory Council. I also would use a strategy revolving around researching and reaching out to different cities who scored much higher than us on the Scorecards. It’s important to learn from those who excel and look outside of Erie. There is no shame in copying other cities who successfully pass the HRC’s MEI with flying colors. (Pun intended)

Michael Keys (D)

I would need to know more about the why. Erie County has passed anti-discrimination legislation. The city should do the same. It sounds like the fight is with the insurance companies that cover the government workers

Christal Lepak (D)

For the fact that who you choose to love or be affects your equal rights is completely deplorable. As a mother of a lesbian daughter, I saw the injustices that were placed upon her. My other daughter, who is Bi, has also been dealing with bullying and injustice.
It should not matter what you are. All benefits should be equal. If a man marries a man and a woman marries a woman, they are still entitles to ALL benefits that a straight couple would have.
For strategies…we must collaborate and unite in peace and seek active legislation to address these issues. There are a lot of prejudices to erase, but like Dr. MLK Jr. said, "The time to do something, is right now."

Chuck Nelson (D)

City benefits ought to be equitable between LGBTQIA+ and non-LGBTQIA+ employees. Any areas inequitable areas ought to be changed.

Davona Pacley (D)

As a member of the LGBTQI community I firmly believe I would serve as an empowering representative for the community and have the opportunity to prompt more of an initiative to create policies and protect the LGBTQI community. When it comes to the two items addressed by holding my fellow council members accountable in making this a high priority for a more inclusive environment. I would research how other cities created a more inclusive environment for all & would push for municipal policies & practice that protect members of the community from discrimination on multiple levels. I would also work to review the current policies and work to adjust them if they are not inclusive. Lastly, I would use open communication and transparency to promote new ideas and policies.

Antonio Stapp (D)

1A. Would clarify if transgender inclusive benefits meant having the same privileges as cisgenders or would they have specific benefits for the LGBT community.

1B. I would poll the community to see what constitutes as a domestic partnership.. how long have they been together.

Tom Staszewski (D)

It is disturbing that Erie has "the lowest" final score of 57 among the 7 PA cities rated on the MEI Score Card. Erie needs to "catch-up" with the likes of more progressive PA cities like Philadelphia 's "top score" of 100 and Pittsburgh 's score of 90.

If elected, I will unequivocally insist upon a fair, equitable and inclusive practice with all Erie Governmental based laws, policies, contracts, employment, employee benefits and services. And to ensure that they are nondiscriminatory and welcoming for LGBTQ people who live and work in the City. Inclusivity for all is an important matter of fairness, equity, access, and equality. It is essential to remove any exclusions from our city based governmental operations in order to demonstrate and recognize equality for all.

It has been my life long practice to treat all persons with respect and dignity and in a nonjudgmental fashion. As a City Official, I will continue with that practice and insist upon a "City Hall" type environment that is fair, equal, nondiscriminatory and tolerant of ALL others. Thus, I will carefully examine current City based practices, policies and procedures to ensure inclusiveness and fairness "for all" and will do the same with any proposed new policy or new legislation, etc.

2. How would you assure that Erie implements city/county contractor non-discrimination policies?

Vanessa Belen (D)

Create local level base programs and an LGBTQIA+ contractor data base (to track progress) to enact nondiscriminatory policies that will advance LGBTQIA+ equality and inclusion.

Ed Brzezinski (D)

The rules are on the books. We should be on the alert for any apparent situations that don't pass the test. My line will always be open.

Jasmine Flores (D)

I would guarantee Erie City Contractors sign off on non-discrimination policies by passing legislation and making a law. Adding in a nondiscrimination clause to any contractual agreement should not ever be an issue. I have no problem putting together legislature or even an example contract clause for Mayor to sign off on. The role of the city council is to represent the community and pass the legislation in their favor. It might involve getting other council members on board, but this is all part of the role, working together for the benefit of the whole community!

Michael Keys (D)

The city should resurrect it 's EEOC office and start policing it self on a variety of issues surrounding diversity and inclusion

Christal Lepak (D)

Again, we have to seek active legislation and demand accountability and transparency in our government on all levels. To do this, people need to continue the momentum and continue to be an ever presence at council meetings. If change is going to happen, everyone needs to be invited to the table. Regulations and policies need to be reviewed and amended where needed. I would hold organizations and business accountable to follow policy changes & regulations. A checks and balances system approach model I believe would be a good start towards responsible legislation and accountability for equality. If there is a violation, then there needs to be a consequence. How can you say you represent the people when the representation is not equal? Through collaborative efforts, I believe we can achieve these goals for equal non-discriminatory policies.

Chuck Nelson (D)

Contractors need to be in compliance with non-discrimination policies. This needs to be viewed and violations need to be addressed quickly.

Davona Pacley (D)

I would assure that Erie implements city/council contractor non-discrimination policies by reviewing each contract for such specific language and petitioning fellow council members to support vendors who do not discriminate and work toward an inclusive, protected workforce.

Antonio Stapp (D)

2. To make sure that Erie puts the most qualified person in place and by having a representative on a board to assure that.

Tom Staszewski (D)

My life long ideologies, core convictions & inward/outward belief systems have ALWAYS been to treat each and every person with respect and dignity. Thus, as a candidate and if elected, I will unequivocally continue to do such and always in a nonjudgmental fashion. And in an environment that is fair, equal, nondiscriminatory, tolerant of ALL others and of ALL sexual orientations. One that is all inclusive…never exclusive and with social justice for all, love not hate, and with a hostile free and discrimination free climate.  While LGBT is still a popular and frequently used term, it has grown to include; LGBTQQIP2SAA.  I see myself as an A --representing ALLY (or allies), or people who are straight but SUPPORT those in the LGBT community. Thus, count me in as your Ally. I will insist that all City of Erie Governmental functions operate in an EEO fashion (equal employment opportunities for ALL). I will legislatively govern to ensure that ALL City of Erie Government matters…hiring and decisions made are fair, equitable and unbiased. Tom Staszewski will insist that the delivery of City services, hiring practices, awarding of contracts and agreements of any sort…will all be allocated, distributed and provided impartially, equally and in a nondiscriminatory nonjudgmental manner. I have High Hopes for the City of Erie and believe that together we can all make Erie greater. For the future of our City, there exists tremendous potential, opportunity and I sincerely believe and am optimistic that brighter days are ahead for all of us.

3. To what extent have you participated in LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency Training? (For the purposes of this question, such training is defined as follows: "Training in the preferred language & terminology, group-specific concerns, opportunities for inclusion & engagement, & general aspirations of LGBTQIA+ community.") What types of training would you recommend for 1) city staff & 2) council members?

Vanessa Belen (D)

I haven 't participated in a training however I would suggest once I am on City Council that we all, including city staff attend mandatory trainings such as "Training and discussions on work behavior and understanding the culture competency". This could be accomplished through classroom instruction and media training.

Ed Brzezinski (D)

Years of experience as teacher, coach, counselor and school board director(12 yrs.) have given me quite an advantage in understanding the platform needed. I would stress positive involvement as a critical component for success.

Jasmine Flores (D)

I have not received any LGBTQIA+Cultural Competency Training outside of anything required by the law for my job. (Which obviously is not enough) Types of training I could recommend for city staff and council members would come directly from resources like the Great Erie Alliance, or the LGBTQIA Commission from Edinboro. I do believe, however, our best bet would be to start with Equality Pennsylvania. The entire purpose of Equality Pennsylvania all revolves around education and policy or legislation for the LGBT community right in our home state. The Equality Pennsylvania Education Fund is perfect for this scenario.

Michael Keys (D)

I have a degree in humanities (B.A.) which included classes in social work, psychology, and diversity. I recommend comprehensive diversity and inclusion training for law enforcement. Social service workers, and school teachers.

Christal Lepak (D)

Unfortunately, I was unaware of this training and would very much LOVE to learn more about it. Currently, I work with youth who want to be the change makers and it has been brought up about Sensitivity/Cultural Training for ALL Government Departments. I think what Tyler Titus did this past weekend was a great step towards this goal of awareness and stigma erasing, We need to educate the ignorant and then work towards acceptance not toleration. No one should be tolerated but accepted. Why a person 's choice of who they love or who they choose to be should NEVER affect their equality, but in a no transitional city, it seems to. We must erase this ignorance and start teaching that love takes all forms & as humans, we have free will and free choice. It 's supposed to be our Constitutional right.

Chuck Nelson (D)

I would be supportive of the suggestions that are brought to City Hall to have informed leadership and have appreciated the Mayor's initiative to receive counsel on the matter.

Davona Pacley (D)

I am an employee at Sarah Reed Children 's Center, a non-profit agency that promotes the emotional well-being of children and families. I have had trainings in Cultural Competency I and II, as well as, LGBTQIA 2-part trainings through Persad. I would suggest the same the types of training for both city staff and council members. Another source of training is the Erie Greater Alliance for Equality, a local non-profit organization. It is a trailblazer in facilitating the growth of competency trainings to numerous local companies.

Antonio Stapp (D)

3. I lived with someone who is in this community, my mother so I don't have all of the training that a perosn needs but I know how to work on learning and we must remember that we have to treat and love everyone.

Tom Staszewski (D)

To a very extensive extent, I have personally participated in numerous training programs, forums, symposiums, panel discussions, conferences, and staff development training that were centered on LGBT issues. My career as a college/university administrator afforded me the opportunity to get actively involved in this important area. In many respects the higher education university based communities were early pioneers and trendsetters on the acceptance, welcoming and for creating an environment that ensured a safe, caring, respectable and all-inclusive campus setting. I believe that colleges and universities (especially those publicly funded) were pioneers in the awareness, acceptance, full tolerance and equality of ALL students and ALL employees.  As a campus administrator, I strived to not only admit and welcome a diverse population of students, but to also create a campus environment that was protective safe and welcoming for one and all.

As an elected official, I will strive to create the same type of welcoming environment as I described in the above paragraph. And I will carefully consider and look at ways to build in "the City budget" funding for such training and for an awareness campaign to implement a fair and equitable environment that is sensitive for the need to "welcome and accept everybody" throughout City Hall and in Council Chambers, etc.

4. What strategies would you use to include and engage LGBTQIA+ organizations & community members in developing policy and legislation?

Vanessa Belen (D)

Educating both sides on the importance of developing policy and legislation. Form a council that is made up of LGBTQIA+ and non LGBTQIA+ community members that will assist in the development of policy and legislation strategies with a focus on understanding of equality and inclusion.

Ed Brzezinski (D)

The door will always be open for positive involvement. The city is only a stepping stone. State and federal folks must be involved and positively activated.

Jasmine Flores (D)

The best strategy to use to engage and include the LGBTQIA organizations and community members when I develop policies and legislation is to build personal relationships and reach out to them. Whether it’s a phone call, meeting for coffee, or sending an email the strategy will be me being proactive and building bridges. I cannot wait for anyone to approach me. It’s my job to engage and include the LGBTQIA community every step of the way. I’ve already reached out to my trans teenage nephew regarding what he needs to feel safe and protected in his community and my sister who is homosexual and a preteen before even answering these questions. I have a lot of friends who are LGBTQIA their needs are just as important as anyone else in our city. It’s important to always get a perspective different than mine, and from the people who we are trying to help directly.

Michael Keys (D)

I believe that you have to meet any group where they are. Focused groups can be set up so that the LGBTQIA community can bring forth their issues in a protected setting.

Christal Lepak (D)

I would hold sessions where everyone could be invited around the table to represent all groups. If you do not know who the people are that you 're supposed to be running, then HOW can your accurately and truly represent them? By the People, For the People.

Chuck Nelson (D)

I would happily hear concerns and strategies from any community that I would be representing in regards to policy and legislation.

Davona Pacley (D)

I would engage LGBTQIA+ organizations & community members in developing policy and legislation. I also pledge transparency in the work of the council. Additionally, I would create diverse advisory council, to meet with me regularly, to help me in raising my own awareness of community issues and the creation of necessary policy.

Antonio Stapp (D)

4.Work with the current members and see how we could come up with a strong policy to make sure that we develop that policy to include all community because change starts with supporting the people that are the closes to you.

Tom Staszewski (D)

Throughout my life and entire professional career, I 've always embraced diversity, full inclusion, fairness  equal access, acceptance and opportunity for ALL. As a Council Member, I will be a hard working public servant that "welcomes and accepts all" and dedicated to make the quality of life better for every person. Exceptional cities recognize and realize the talents, abilities, and skills of all constituents can make living conditions better. A more diverse citywide culture that welcomes and celebrates differences becomes stronger and ensures that all are equally engaged and invested and share responsibility for the betterment of the city at large.
As a Councilperson, I pledge to take an active role in creating an open, fair and transparent process with the appointments/reappointments of various board members of authorities, commissions, committees, hiring practices, etc. And that those chosen are selected in a fair and equitable manner so that there is an equitable reflection and diverse representation that also includes and involves the LGBT community.

Please note: Although he did not provide answers to the questions, we received the following response:

Shawn Lyons (R)

I appreciate you reaching out to me regarding Equality with the LGBTQ Community. Although I am not fully knowledgeable and informed on this matter I do believe in equal rights among all people and this e-mail response is not meant as answers to your questions. It is important to have all required information prior to making any statements to your attached questions. These 4 questions do appear to be very open ended that could be answered many different ways and perceived differently by anyone.

Please understand that I myself do not and would not discriminate against any employee or any applicant for employment because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.

I myself do have several friends both male and female who are in fact a part of the LGBTQ Community. My long time friend and a member of my Campaign Committee is in fact a part of your specific group. I would like to attend some of your upcoming events to show my support for the LGBTQ Community and to gain the voting support of this same LGBTQ Community. I will be in touch soon to schedule these events moving forward.

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