Today Is Gonna Be Funny... And Healthy

It is always today. And today is tell a joke and laugh day. My best advice is to go ahead and make it a super funny day for yourself. Such an amazing way to get and stay healthy. Laughter is incredible for well-being. Remember…it's not yesterday or tomorrow. It's today. So let me get you laughing with some awesome wellness.

Q: Did you hear about the hungry clock? A: It went back four seconds. The jokes can be so darn simple. Life is complicated enough with bills, traffic, and political fighting. Try this on your colleagues at the morning meeting and relax from your uptight high blood pressure ways.

Did you hear the story about the optimist and the pessimist? The pessimist says, "Everything is terrible; it can't get any worse!" The optimist says, "Oh yes it can!" Sometimes a joke like this one can make you stop and think for a moment. But if it eventually gets you to chuckle then it worked just fine.

A guy walks into a bar with jumper cables around his neck. The bartender says, "You can stay. Just don't try to start anything." This one is likely to spark some hearty heehaws from the tailgating crew at the next football game. Give it the old college try.

A wizard walks into a gay club. And disappears with a poof. In case of emergency and a confused look; break glass and grab a British bloke. He will let you in on that one and the humor in it.

Two antennae met on a roof, fell in love, and got married. Their wedding ceremony wasn't fancy. The reception however was excellent. This is so cool to tell around Valentine's Day. It's got Cupid's holiday Hallmark card potential all over it.

Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children. Now I have six children. And no theories. Sometimes all you've got left is laughter. It's OK to poke some fun at what life throws at you.

Teacher: The student who answers my next question can go home. (One boy throws his backpack out the window) Teacher: Who just threw that? Boy: I did. And now I'm going home. This joke made me laugh a lot when I first heard it. That's for the smartass in all of us.

Reader's Digest publishes so many jokes and laughter sections each month. I love reading all of their humor. I read this one in a recent edition: Dear Charlie, We've been neighbors for six tumultuous years. When you borrowed my snowblower, you returned it in pieces. When I was sick, you blasted Metallica. And when your dog decorated my lawn, you laughed. I could go on, but I'm not one to hold grudges. So I am writing this letter to tell you your house is on fire. Cordially, Harry. This one speaks for itself.

The past, present, and future all walk into a room at the same time…it was tense. HaHa! I dedicate this funniness to all the grammar teachers in my K through 12 days.

Today is always the funniest day on the calendar. If you let it be that way. And it will go a long way to doing such amazing things for your health and well-being. Laugh on my friends!

This wellness article is brought to you by that goofy guy with gregarious guffaws galore. That wisecracker with one-liners is Ron Blake and he can be found knee-slapping happy at

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