OutServe-SLDN remains cautiously optimistic to the report that Governor Jeb Bush is open to transgender military service

WASHINGTON (June 15, 2015) – Today presidential candidate and former Governor Jeb Bush stated that he was open to transgender military service.

OutServe-SLDN Interim Executive Director Matt Thorn issued the following statement in response to the Governor's statement:

"Open transgender service should and has been a non-partisan issue. While I welcome Governor Bush's statement on open transgender service, I remain cautiously optimistic.

"Our estimated 15,000 transgender service members do not need talking points or feel good statements, they need decisive and unequivocal policies that not only allow open service but protect them in the MEO.

"I hope that all the presidential candidates, the current administration and Secretary Carter embrace full LGBT equality in the military. But they need to listen to the momentum that is happening in the current climate of the era. Transgender servicemembers cannot afford to wait for piece meal policies. Strong and decisive action is needed now."

OutServe-SLDN (OS-SLDN) is a non-partisan, non-profit, legal services and policy organization dedicated to bringing about full LGBT equality to America's military and ending all forms of discrimination and harassment of military personnel on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. With more than fifty chapters and 60,000 subscribers around the world, OS-SLDN supports a professional network of LGBT military personnel and strives to create an environment of respect in the military with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity. OS-SLDN provides free and direct legal assistance to service members and veterans affected by the repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law and the prior regulatory ban on open service, as well as those currently serving who may experience harassment or discrimination. For more information, visit www.outserve-sldn.org.

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