New LGBT Radio Show Launches in Valley

The "Left of Str8" Show Premieres Tuesday, June 30th

Youngstown, OH: The "Left of Str8" podcast launches Tuesday, June 30th, and every Tuesday thereafter, from 5-7pm, on the Insight Radio Network.  Topics include local and national LGBT Interests, Entertainment, Foodies, and Books.  Each week, a rotation of co-hosts talk with personalities and celebrities from around the country.  The intended audience is for LGBT adults and their allies around the country and world.  A corresponding website launches Tuesday as well at

The first show will be discussing the recent marriage equality ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, with special guest Kelly McCracken, a plaintiff in the case, fighting for the right to get her name on the birth certificate of the daughter born to her and her wife last year.  Kelly is a former NE Ohio resident, now living in Cincinnati. 

Also on the broadcast will be LGBT Activist, Ben Patrick Johnson from L.A., a longtime advocate for equal rights, a much in demand voice-over talent for the movies and television industry, a foundation director, and established author.  He will be discussing the L.A. marriage ruling from two years ago with his husband T.J., and also discussing his newest, upcoming book.

According to, The Infinite Dial, 2015 Report, podcasting consumption rose from 39 to 46 million listeners in just one year from 2014-2015.  A podcast, is a radio show that airs over the Internet.  The Left of Str8 podcast will air LIVE every Tuesday from 5-7pm EST on both the Insight Radio Network,, and on the Left of Str8 website,  Downloads and replays will be available after the show airs on I-tunes, and other podcasting hosting services.

Future guests on the podcast include competitors on several of the Food Network's television cooking competition shows, national authors, musicians, Broadway performers, movie and television personalities.  The show promises to bring entertainment to both lgbt and straight listeners alike, welcoming a diverse selection of guests as well from both communities. 

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