Ireland Becomes First Country to Bring the Freedom to Marry by Popular Vote

New York - May 23, 2015 – Adding to the global momentum for the freedom to marry, today a referendum made the Republic of Ireland the first country in the world to accord same-sex couples the freedom to marry by popular vote.

Evan Wolfson, president of Freedom to Marry, released the following statement

"With a nationwide landslide in favor, Ireland now becomes the first country in the world to pass the freedom to marry by popular referendum, as well as the 21st nation and the 10th predominantly Catholic country in which same-sex couples can marry. Our Irish colleagues at Yes Equality ran a magnificent campaign and Freedom to Marry is proud to have shared what we've learned in our own campaign here in the US. The global momentum for the freedom to marry reflects and reinforces the progress we are making here in the United States – and we look now to the Supreme Court to bring our country to national resolution, following Ireland's good example."

With Ireland, there are now nineteen countries that have the freedom to marry for same-sex couples nationwide, as well as two in which same-sex couples in various regions can share in the freedom to marry (Mexico and the United States).

The Netherlands became the first country in the world where same-sex couples could marry when it passed a law in 2001. In total, gay and lesbian couples can marry in Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, France, Brazil, Uruguay, New Zealand, Britain, Luxembourg, Finland, and Ireland – and Mexico and the United States. Work to win the freedom to marry is underway in countries as diverse as Australia, Colombia, Italy, Nepal, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Freedom to Marry is the campaign to win marriage nationwide. We are pursuing our Roadmap to Victory by working to win the freedom to marry in more states, grow the national majority for marriage, and end federal marriage discrimination. We partner with individuals and organizations across the country to end the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage and the protections, responsibilities, and commitment that marriage brings.

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