UNITE FOR MARRIAGE Rally Cleveland Ohio on April 26

There will be a UNITE FOR MARRIAGE Rally Cleveland Ohio on Sunday, April 26th at 1:30pm at FREE Stamp Willard Park, E 9th St and Lakeside Ave, Cleveland OH. Speakers include Nickie Antonio (House Rep State of Ohio), Matt Zone ( Cleveland City Council ) , Pastor Harris Franklin Circle Church and additional local and national speakers.

Marriage equality is the road to equality. Marriage equality now comes to the forefront of civil rights, the courts, the voters and legislators. After 65 rulings in favor of same sex marriages, 13 states are still without that right.

What is Unite for Marriage?

Why are we doing this?

Cleveland Ohio and other Nationals organizations have conducted marriage equality rallies since 2012. Unite for Marriage is a partnership of organizations working together to show support for marriage for same-sex couples as the issue stands before the U.S. Supreme Court. Participating organizations include Marriage Equality USA, Freedom to Marry, Human Rights Campaign, Family Equality Council, GLAAD, National LGBTQ Task Force, GetEQUAL and the Campaign for Southern Equality.

With marriage cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, Unite for Marriage( coalition) is working to make a strong case in the court of public opinion about Why marriage matters and how marriage discrimination is harmful. We are encouraged, and believe, because we have the momentum and the public opinion that Marriage equality is on our side, Marriage Equality for all can and will be a reality Marriage is already a reality in nearly three-fourths of the country and a majority of Americans support same-sex couples' freedom to marry. Clearly, the country is ready.

We are hoping for a large draw, organizers will be furnishing free transportation from 12:30 on from AIDS Task Force of Cleveland and Hotels at Rockslide Rd.

Speakers list will be available later this week

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