Dreams of Hope performs in Oil City

from Susan Haugh

Dream of Hope performers

The Pittsburgh-based Dreams of Hope will perform in Oil City on March 28 at the Clarion University-Venango campus.

Dreams of Hope is the first of its kind lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and straight creative and performing arts youth group (14-21) building leaders and educating audiences. All performance material, taken from the youths' life experiences, are written and performed by the youth with the guidance of professional artists. Each show is followed by a candid question and answer period with the audience.

Celebrating who they are through song, dance, drama and spoken word, these courageous youth speak out about their personal experiences as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and straight youth today.

Presently, the group is giving a series of performances of "Gay Youth in Good Faith." The performance explores the youths' relationships with God and religion. A candid Q&A follows the performance.

The March 28 performance will take place at 7 PM at Clarion University-Venango campus, Rhoades Center Auditorium, 1801 West First St., Oil City, PA. It is free and open to the public.

Visit at www.dreamsofhope.org

Susan Haugh is Dreams of Hope founder, artistic director, and composer for Dreams of Hope.

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