Leah Zicari, Jamie Anderson in Erie April 9

by Kate Hentz

National touring artist Jamie Anderson and Leah Zicari, favorite of local fans and with a national career of her own, will perform a double bill concert at 8 PM on Saturday, April 9th at the UU Congregation, 7180 Perry Highway in Erie.

A touring artist since 1987, Jamie Anderson is a self-described "singer/songwriter/parking lot attendant." Jamie doesn't really park cars for a living, but her mother always said she "should have a career to fall back on."

With a style that is a remarkable combo of Shawn Colvin satin-smooth and Suzanne Westenhoefer wacko, Jamie's songs have been featured on the Dr. Demento radio show and National Public Radio's "Car Talk." Jamie has been a main stage performer at Kerrville Folk Festival and the National Women's Music Festival. The newest of her seven CD's to date, "Listen," appears regularly in the list of the Top 40 on Outvoice.net. Jamie resides in North Carolina with a cat that thinks he's owed royalties for her composition, "When Cats Take Over the World." This stop on her tour marks Jamie Anderson's first visit to Erie. Find out more about Jamie at www.jamieanderson.com.

Another national artist who is no stranger to local audiences, Leah Zicari's most recent appearance in Erie was her opening performance with Tret Fure at the Unitarian Universalist Church in November, 2003. Classically trained with a master's degree in guitar performance, Leah has a vocal sensibility that matches her gorgeous string play.

Leah's current release, "Pretty on Thursday," has won kudos from fans and peers alike. Says fellow singer/songwriter Edie Carey of the cd: "Pretty On Thursday is just a phenomenal record. Zicari is on fire from the first whispered notes of the record to the very last chord. This is a woman who knows exactly who she is, who knows how to play the hell out of her instrument, and who has clearly had music running through every last vein since the day she was born. I don't know exactly what happened in that studio up there in Canada, but it was clearly magical." Visit Leah's website at www.leahzicari.com

Tickets ($15) for this special event are available at Aromas Coffeehouse, 2174 W. 8th Street in Erie, from Chiropractic Works, 413 High Street in Waterford, and from tallfirs booking at 716-326-7480.

Leah Zicari

Above: Leah Zicari (photo: Vivian Babuts)

Below: Jamie Anderson (photo: Robert Campbell)

Jamie Anderson

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