Journey: Healing Together to Host Raise the Roof on December 21

On Thursday, December 21, from 5:30 - 8 PM, Journey: Healing Together will host Raise the Roof Winter Solstice Celebration at 201 W 11th St, Erie, PA. Raise the Roof is an opportunity for the community to support the safe haven Journey: Healing Together has come to be for many in our community. Healing begins once safety and basic needs are established. Until then, people are focused on finding a safe place for themselves and their family. As we gather to honor those who have sought shelter under Journey: Healing Together's roof, we recognize the need for this shelter (both figurative and literal) to be restored. This year, we will observe the Winter Solstice through a celebration of community building as we Raise the Roof of healing over our families and community. The community is invited to share restoration messages through works of art, poetry, spoken word, and song, highlighting their own journey of hope. This collective creative energy will also assist Journey: Healing Together complete its campaign to raise a total of $50,000 to replace our roof. With this much-needed physical shelter covered, Journey: Healing Together can focus on the mission to Unite, Restore, Discover, and Transform.

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