Looking for a good book?!
Are you interested in reading novels written by trans or gender non-conforming authors or with trans or gender non-conforming characters? Get out your Erie County Public Library card because Sexual Wellness PA, LLC would like to recommend one of their favorite trans novels!
Wake of Vultures by Lila Bowen. If you dig fantasy, historical fiction, monsters, and westerns, this book is for you! The first novel in a super-awesome series, this story follows the journey of a hero who started life with nothing, doesn't seem to belong anywhere, and unexpectedly discovers they can see and fight monsters. Our hero sets off to understand and use their newfound ability and pursue their destiny while also grappling on multiple levels with who they truly are, who they love, and how to just plain keep from getting killed by monsters! If you like this series, Lila Bowen also writes as Delilah Dawson and has written many supercool books that will immerse you in all sorts of magical worlds full of diverse characters and adventures!
Want more book recommendations? Visit sexualwellnesspa.com/book-recommendations to see more books Sexual Wellness PA has read and loved that can help move us closer to sexual safety, wellness, and pleasure! Want to discuss what you're reading? Check out Sexual Wellness PA's Intimacy Building Book Club and Queer Happily Ever After Book Club at sexualwellnesspa.com/bookclubs!