Selfie Contest Spring-Summer 2022 - Win Cash from Erie Gay News!

Are you one of our distributors that wants to highlight your support of our region’s LGBTQIA+ community? Or maybe you are just a community member or supporter that wants to earn $100 for taking a selfie with our new Erie Gay News Available Here window decal? The EGN Selfie Contest will hit the region from March 22 through June 30th.

If you are a member/supporter of the community and want to show your contribution and possibly win $100, please take as many photos as you like at one or more distributors! You can see a list of all of our distributors grouped by region at The Selfie Contest is straightforward, and no wrong way to go about it.

One winning photo each chosen by our editorial board from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will win $100! There will be one $100 Facebook winner, one $100 Instagram winner, and one $100 Twitter winner!

Additionally, whichever distributor has the most photos taken across all social media platforms wins $100! Second place distributor wins $75, the third-place distributor wins $50, and the fourth-place distributor wins $25. (I.e. there will be prizes for both those taking photos and also distributors!)

You can even take multiple selfies at the same distributor if there is one in particular that you also want to help earn some prize money. Besides a prize, the selfie contest offers a chance to highlight community staples that help encourage acceptance through the Northwestern Region.

Just be sure to use #EGNhere in the hashtag, mention in the post where you are taking the selfie so we can appropriately credit the distributor, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you are a distributor and didn’t get your decal or need additional decals, contact Michael Mahler at (814) 456-9833 or

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