Equality California Marks First Anniversary of Pulse Shootings
Los Angeles - June 12, 2017 - In honor of the June 12 anniversary of the deaths of 49 LGBTQ people and allies at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Equality California Executive Director Rick Zbur issued the following statement:
"One year ago, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history forced our community to confront the fact that the sickeningly repetitive cycle of American gun violence is itself an LGBTQ issue. In response, Equality California launched its #SafeAndEqual initiative to support stricter gun safety laws in California, resulting in the passage of six bills and Proposition 63 that give our state the nation's strictest gun protections. Nationally, progress has been far slower – as evidenced by last week's shootings in Orlando almost exactly a year after our community's loss. We will honor the memory of those murdered a year ago at Pulse by continuing to fight in California and in Washington, D.C. until our community and all Americans are safe from gun violence."
Equality California is the nation's largest statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization dedicated to creating a fair and just society. Our mission is to achieve and maintain full and lasting equality, acceptance and social justice for all people in our diverse LGBT communities, inside and outside of California. Our mission includes advancing the health and well-being of LGBT Californians through direct healthcare service advocacy and education. Through electoral, advocacy, education and mobilization programs, we strive to create a broad and diverse alliance of LGBT people, educators, government officials, communities of color and faith, labor, business, and social justice communities to achieve our goals. www.eqca.org