STATEMENT: Keystone Progress on Introduction of The Pennsylvania Fairness Act (HB 1510 / SB 974), LGBT Non-Discrimination Bill
Harrisburg, PA 0 August 27, 2015 – Michael Morrill, Executive Director of Keystone Progress, gave the following statement on the introduction of HB 1510 & SB 974, LGBT non-discrimination:
"Keystone Progress applauds the introduction of the Pennsylvania Fairness Act in the PA House and Senate and encourages the state legislature to pass these bills swiftly. A gay Pennsylvanian can get married on Sunday, bring a wedding picture to work on Monday, and be fired on Tuesday because of their sexual orientation. That same person could be refused service or denied housing without any recourse under PA law. This is shameful.
"Providing protections for LGBT Pennsylvanians when it comes to employment, housing, and public accommodations, among other things, we look forward to the Pennsylvania Fairness Act becoming law. It is time that we ensure LGBT Pennsylvanians are truly treated as equals in the eyes of the law of the Commonwealth."