by PFLAG-Erie and Crawford Counties Chapter

We extend our appreciation and gratitude to the entire Erie community for the support at our August 6th- Variety- Showcase; from the sponsors, Lee & Tim of Trance, the Performers, the Trance Staff, all Donors/Business, all in attendance to our own Chapter Members' hard work. This event was fun and successful, raising over $700.00 for our Local Chapter needs. Thank you again.

Please plan on attending our special, annual, & important Membership & Voting of New Local Officers for our Leadership at our September 12th Meeting, 7 - 9 PM. Whether you are a current, new, or prospective member, you are asked to attend. Flyers were mailed in mid-August with the details. This is a Year of Change. Voting of New Officers must occur and memberships updated, as PFLAG Nationals has adjusted to a Sept-to-Sept Fiscal Records, etc. Our Current Chapter Officers are over term at this time; Voting is going to occur. This will put our Chapter in line with Nationals. Your Memberships will be renewed and/or begun at the meeting.

Please attend and help our Chapter grow, as well as have your vote count.

We have some exciting things lined up for the upcoming year. Your ideas, enthusiasm, and sharing will be greatly appreciated and needed. Also, we plan on having a presence at the Fall 2005 PRIDE-Erie Event, which will be discussed at this meeting.

If you have any questions, are in need of transportation, or additional information, feel free to contact at our email address,, .

Meeting Notes

Our next PFLAG support group meeting is, as usual, the second Monday of the month: Monday, September 12, from 7-9 PM, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie, 7180 New Perry Highway (Rte 97). (Take exit 27 off of I-90, go north about a half mile. Church is on the left.) We also hold ad hoc support groups for parents of, or spouses of, GLBT people. For more info, please email us at, or write to P.O. Box 133, Harborcreek, PA 16421.

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