
PFLAG Bingo Thanks

On behalf of PFLAG Erie and Crawford Counties, I extend a warm thanks to those who supported our BINGO and came out in the cold to enjoy fun, food, delicious homemade baked goods, Jayne's secret sloppy-Joes, Jeff's cakes, and games. We had 47 players at this event, 5 Drag Queens, numerous volunteers, a great kitchen crew, and a welcoming sponsorship by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie. A special thanks (after several evenings of meetings) to the entire BINGO planning committee: Jayne May, Mark H, John Daly King, Michael Mahler, Lynne, Keith Roumfort, Don Craig, and Marcha V. A big thanks to Jayne May for the awesome Chinese Auction organization offering chances on great/beautiful gifts, which greatly helped PFLAG donations. Thank you one and all for your donations and support at this event. We are presently planning the next one at a midpoint in May; watch for more information in the future.

As you hear the news reports supporting gay marriages in San Francisco and Massachusetts, it can only harken us to prepare as the moment approaches our community in the near future. PFLAG will no doubt be there to support.

Therefore, your support now and at future events helps always for the greater causes that face us. A famous person once said: "If not you, who? If not now, when?"

by Mark Hoovler



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